It's true! Registration is open! We have over 30 classes available for your before and after school needs! Debate, languages, drama, ballet, sports, LEGO, visual art...we've got a little bit of everything!
Enrolling in an Enrichment Program at QAE is simpler than ever before! We have an online registration system that allows you to sign up and pay directly from our website: Pay for a single class, multiple classes for one child, or multiple classes for multiple children all at the same location. Phew! No more checks! Unless you want to. We'll take your check. We mean it: sign up through the above link and pay by leaving a check in the office. Interested in an enrichment program but need a scholarship? All programs offer needs-based financial aid. Please email [email protected] to secure a scholarship to any class for your child. But don't hesitate: registration closes on Monday, September 28th! Register today! Some of our classes currently have low enrollment. Did you already enroll for one of the following classes? Talk it up! Get your buddies in there! Did you mean to it now! These classes currently have low enrollment:
These classes need a few more students to run:
These classes are full, but waiting lists are available:
Hey, you've made it this far...wanna volunteer? All after school programs this year will feature All-Clubs Recess. All students will check-in with a playground volunteer right after school and then have a full 20-minutes to shake off the school day and play before clubs begin. We need you to make this work! If you are a parent who is typically on the playground after school, please let us know if you would be willing to take attendance for clubs. It's easy: wear a safety vest and carry a clipboard! Questions? Please email [email protected]. Happy, enriching days to all! Gillian and Vasantha Comments are closed.
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |