We're happy to collaborate with Green Seattle and Friends of Green Lake for an earth stewardship service project. Much like our Fall stewardship gathering, our school will help this time at Green Lake; pruning, removing invasive plants and planting native ground covers and shrubs in the forested edge of the lake. All community members are welcome, and no experience is necessary! This event is family friendly and open to all ages.
When: Saturday, February 8th, 9am-12pm Where: Meet at 5900 West Green Lake Way North You don't have to register but we want to give the site leader an idea of the number of people to prepare supplies for. Please email [email protected] with "Green Lake Clean-up" in the subject line and the number of people you are bringing. Look for our school garden coordinator, Andrea Hildebrandt, who will be wearing our school colors, at the site when you arrive. Hope to see you there QAE Community. It's a great way to give back! What to Bring Gloves and tools are provided, but bring your favorite work-gloves if you prefer. Bring water to keep hydrated and a snack to keep energized. Where to Meet 5900 West Green Lake Way North We will meet on the south end of the lake near the concrete bleachers of the old Aqua Theater, across from the Pitch and Putt golf course. Look for wheelbarrows and tools and orange vested stewards. If you arrive late, follow the Green Seattle Event signs. Where to Park 5900 West Green Lake Way North There are parking lots on West Green Lake Way N around the Small Craft Center. To learn more: Visit Green Seattle for more information: https://www.greenseattle.org/get-involved/green-seattle-day/ Visit Friends of Green Lake: www.friendsofgreenlake.org Queen Anne Garden Blog: https://www.qaeptsa.org/garden.html Comments are closed.
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June 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |