Ukraine is in our hearts, minds and spirit. We know that some families in our community have connections to loved ones near the war that is taking place. We know that we're all worried about the destruction of lives, land and home. We have heavy hearts and wonder how to talk with our children about it all. Here is an article shared by Leslie Jaynes, one of QAE's amazing teachers and community members. She shared it with the parents in her classroom who then passed it to another classroom where it landed with our PTSA. So, it might be familiar to some already. Either way, we hope you find it as helpful as we do and it allows you to thoughtfully, whole heartedly and openly navigate conversations with your kiddos in an age appropriate way. With wishes of peace, love, hope, safety and gratitude for community, please reach out to PTSA if you or your children have ideas about how to support Ukraine as a community. Fund Drive: Where do the funds go?Good question! Much of the funding will go towards staffing grants. The school district allocates funds to schools across the district based on student enrollment numbers. We use raised funds to supplement what we get from the district because we want to support our kids and teachers more than the SPS funds allow. At our school this includes our art teacher, librarian, kindergarten math tutors, our school reading specialists, PE teacher and playground supervisors. It's hard to think about what our school would be like with out those positions fully funded. Kindergartener Fenna Luhman has shared a few thoughts of her own: “She is really kind and she helps us out a lot.” -about her tutor “I thought Koala Lou was really good. It taught me that you need to love one another. I especially liked that it was a play.” -about the Book It Theater presentation of the book Koala Lou by Mem Fox These are just some examples of the impactful ways our fundraising makes important programs exist and directly touch our children's lives every day at our school. With your help, the PTSA will not only continue to offer programs such as these, that embody our 5 pillars, but to raise funds so that we can also embrace the community and education that make us who we are. Go Explorers! The dollars raised go towards even more such as #1: TEACHERS -Training for all new staff and annual refresher courses for the entire staff in Positive Discipline -Project Based Learning professional development -Support for training including skill sets such as working with gender diversity, cultural competence, and mindfulness in the classroom -Teacher Appreciation Week to show our immense gratitude to teachers who have stood by our children every day with determination and compassion as we navigate this ever changing world. #2: CLASSROOM & ACADEMIC SUPPORT -Kindergarten aide for each class -Resource room tutors -Dedicated reading specialists #3: CURRICULUM & CLASSROOMS -Zones of Regulation (Social Emotional Learning Curriculum) -Positive discipline tools -Classroom libraries -Calm Body Spots and materials to support self-regulation #4: EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS -Book-It Theatre presentations -Annual Yearbooks #5: FAMILY EXPERIENCES AND EDUCATION -Families of Color T-shirts -Let's Talk About Race Workshop -Positive Discipline Workshop As you can see, we need as much community as we can get to step up, make a donation, procure an item, RSVP/register and participate! We need everyone to keep the beat going? You can do all of this on our From the Heart...and the beat goes on fund drive and auction site. For questions contact Sarah Kaiser, our fierce PTSA Vice President at [email protected]. Auction Items Sneak PeekHow does a three night stay at Four Seasons Punta Mita, Mexico, a five-star oceanfront paradise sound? This magical experience with the warmest Mexican hospitality can be yours. It's one of the fantastic live auction items that will ready for you to start bidding on. Do you or your family love cooking? How does learning from expert chefs and bakers sound? PCC Market has generously donated a discount on cooking classes for you and/or your children that will help enrich your life and taste buds. This is one of the silent auction experiences that is waiting for you! Be sure to visit our From the Heart fund drive and auction site to get started! Thank you to everyone who has procured something so far. Keep them coming! For questions about procurement contact Katie Luhman. Thank you Katie for leading our procurement team! Comments are closed.
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |