Our school environment encourages the positive social and emotional development of all students. The ALO Report Card is utilized to ensure that our advanced students are receiving an accelerated curriculum corresponding with the Washington State Grade Level Expectations. Several differentiation strategies are used that include acceleration within the regular classroom, cluster grouping, flexible groupings for instruction, and technology integration to support project-based learning.
Queen Anne Elementary Five Pillars:
We are self‐directed learners.
We encourage each other to think critically and learn more.
We are concerned, confident, and compassionate citizens of the world.
We learn everywhere, we learn together.
We are creative.
We believe students need to be prepared for their future by learning 21st Century Skills:
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Communication and Collaboration
Using the tools they have now and in the future:
Information Literacy
Media Literacy
Technology Literacy
Developing the life skills of:
Flexibility and adaptability
Social and cross-cultural skills
ALO Math Strategies Used:
Flexible grouping/acceleration within classroom.
Differentiation/Acceleration within the regular classroom.
Tiered Assignments – Advanced students will receive math instruction at varying levels of depth and complexity.
Acceleration – one grade level above for identified math students. (To be implemented as classroom support allows)
A variety of online programs will be used to accelerate students in math: ST Math, Khan Academy,
Xtra Math, a variety of online applications, and select iPad apps.
Application of math concepts and skills to projects
ALO Reading Model:
Accelerating reading instruction is to appropriately place identified students at correct
reading level within regular classroom using a balanced literacy approach.
Students will be identified by Teachers College assessments; MSP, MAP, and teacher recommendation based on observations and other assessment data.
ALO Reading Strategies Used (Reading across the curriculum):