Queen Anne Elementary is on the standard schedule for Seattle elementary schools:
Daily 7:50am — Opening Bell 7:55am — School Day Begins 2:25pm — Dismissal
Wednesday Early Release Each Wednesday ends early so that teachers and staff can focus on training and planning. 1:10pm — Dismissal
Drop Off, Pick Up, Bus Zones and Entering the School
We know our families will reach QAE via a variety of methods—some walk, some take the bus, some bike and some arrive by car. With our remodeled campus, we now have a new process for buses and car drop-off/pick-up.
Bus Zone — Bigelow (east side of the school) The side of the street closest to the school along Bigelow is bus zone for the entire length of the school.
Car Drop Off and Pick Up Zone — 4th Ave (west side of the school) There's an area where drivers can drop off and pick up their children along 4th Ave N, between Newton and Boston. This is a "kiss and go" zone, where drivers bring their cars to a complete stop and stay in the vehicle while the children exit or enter the vehicle from the sidewalk side only. To be safe and efficient, children should keep their belongings with them in the back seat, not in the trunk.
School Parking Lot The parking lot on the north end of the campus is for staff and those who need handicap access.
Parking Near the School Please do not park in the loading dock on 4th Avenue or on the sidewalk near the loading dock. Additionally, Bigelow Street between Boston and Newton is a bus zone, and parents should not park there at any time.
School Entrances Our campus is designed to provide safety for our students and staff. There are gates on the west side (near the car zone on 4th Ave) and the east side (near the bus zone on Bigelow) that are open before and after school, so families can freely go in and out. These gates will be closed while school is in session. Parents and other visitors must enter through the office during that time, along 4th Ave N.
Purchasing School Meals Students can pay cash daily or you can prepay for school meals by depositing funds to their meal account. Students access their meal account using their unique PIN number, which will come home with them during the first week of school. Please help your child memorize their PIN.
School Meal Prices
Full Breakfast is $2.25
OR Students can choose from the a la carte breakfast menu:
Entree only or 2nd entree is $2.00
Bowl of cereal with milk is $1.75
Bowl of cereal with no milk is $1.00
4 oz. yogurt is $1.50
Toast (per slice) is $0.50
Full Lunch is $3.25
OR Students can choose from the a la carte lunch menu:
Entree only or 2nd entree is $3.00
1 serving of fruit, bread, or vegetable is $1.00
8 oz. Milk is $0.75.
Qualify for Free or Reduced-Price Meals Your child may qualify to receive meals free of charge. If you believe your family is eligible, applications can be submitted at any time throughout the school year.
Ways to Pay for School Meals Students can pay with cash, check or money order for each meal, or you can load your child's account with funds and the child can "pay" for their meals with a PIN number.
PIN Numbers Each child is assigned a PIN number during the first week of school that is linked to their individual account (set up by the district). Incoming Kindergartners should have received a letter from Nutrition Services with your child's PIN number. Older students previously at a Seattle Public School will retain their current PIN.
At lunch, students will key in their PIN to pay for a meal. The Cafeteria Manager at school has a hard copy of all the students' PINs and can help the students with their numbers.
Loading Your Student's Account To load your child's account with funds, you can:
Bring cash, check or money order (written to "Nutrition Services") and submit payment to our Cafeteria Manager directly in the cafeteria or give it to Karen Rang in the main office. To ensure the money is deposited to the correct account, be sure to include your student's first and last name and PIN number
Register with a program called MySchoolBucks where you can electronically load money into your child's account anytime by credit card. Note: MySchoolBucks require a Student ID number or meal account PIN number. The Student ID number can be found on report cards or by accessing The Source. MySchoolBucks charges users a payment transaction for each transaction.
Note: The school district does not want negative balances on the students' accounts, but they allow for a minus at the elementary level. Our Cafeteria Manager will never deny your child a meal, but she hopes that parents and guardians will see to it that your child's account is paid before this minus level is reached. MySchoolBucks allows convenient access to monitor account balances and meal activity. You can also find out your child's meal balance information from the QAE lunchroom manager..
Homework Policy
Queen Anne Elementary has a ‘School and Home Partnership’ Policy as our Homework Policy. It is updated annually by our QAE Building Leadership Team, made up of staff and parents. Teachers partner with parents to ensure that we all uphold our pillar: ‘At QAE, we learn everywhere; we learn together.’ Towards that end, every QAE explorer is expected to:
Read at home for 10-30 minutes nightly, depending on their age and capabilities;
Practice numeracy regularly at home;
Teachers may provide extra home practice activities to strengthen skills and build confidence.
QAE parents can expect that their child may, at any point in time, come home passionate about a specific idea or initiative. Our job, both at school and at home, is to ignite their passions, nurture a maker mindset, help discover their superpowers, ensure mistakes are welcome, be compassionate and patient when struggles ensue, get out of the way when necessary, rejoice when they problem solve and celebrate their successes.