PTSA Policies for Providers of After-School, On- and Off-site Enrichment Programs
updated September 6, 2018. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact the PTSA Enrichment Coordinator. IMPORTANT: Before teaching any after-school enrichment program, providers must read and agree to these terms. If the provider is not the direct instructor of the class, it is important that the contracted instructor is directed to this page. Adhering to these policies helps maintain the optimal learning environment during all classes and the safety of all students. This is a living document. It will be updated if changing existing structures would promote greater equity and safety throughout our programs. Providers will be notified if any changes directly affect classes in progress. BACKGROUND CHECKS AND PROOF OF INSURANCE All instructors must complete a background check and provide proof of insurance prior to teaching any class at QAE. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Providers must build a registration form through the 6Crickets website. The course description should include useful information regarding the class, including all dates/times. Classroom locations should not be published on 6Crickets, but will be communicated to providers and families following the registration process. TUITION & FEES All providers must cover one full scholarship for their class. (The QAE PTSA will cover any additional scholarship requests.) All providers are assessed a $50 fee by the QAE PTSA to cover Recess Team and on-site administrative support. Providers may set minimum/maximum enrollment to properly balance all fees. CLASS ROSTERS Rosters may be printed from within 6Crickets. If providers have questions about the students in their classes, they are welcome to contact the Enrichment Coordinator for more information. CONTACT INFORMATION All instructors must have a way to be reached during class time in case of emergency, ideally by cellphone. Cellphone number should be shared with the Enrichment Team and families of rostered students. The Recess Team provides on-site support between the end of the school day, during All Clubs Recess, gathering of all students, during classes, and until the 4:30pm bus has been loaded. If you will be late to a class or need locating a student, please text or call 206-928-1365. COMMUNICATION WITH FAMILIES Please send an introductory email to families before the first day class. This email should include information about the class, instructor contact information, and provider contact information (if different from instructor's information). Please send an additional reminder email as the final date of the session nears. Providers may contact families as needed throughout the session. Please cc the Enrichment Coordinator on any communication sent to families. Please do not contact families for any purpose unrelated to the class for which they are registered. Contact information for families is located on your class roster. If more than one parent or guardian email is listed, please send to both addresses. DAILY SCHEDULE, ON-SITE CLASSES 2:15-2:20pm Wednesday 3:30-3:35pm Thursday Instructors may access classroom and prepare for their club. Be aware that classroom teachers may remain in their classrooms and work quietly, even during club times. 2:25pm Wednesday 3:35pm Thursday Instructors must check in with the Recess Team in the cafeteria and prepare to take attendance for their club. Please bring a hard copy of your roster to expedite this process. 2:30-2:35 Wednesday 3:40-3:45 Thursday After checking in with the Recess Team, instructors walk their students to class. 2:35-3:35 OR 2:35-4:05 Wednesday 3:45-4:45 Thursday Instructors teach class in room designated by the PTSA for scheduled length of time (60, 90, or 120 minutes). Instructors may take their students to the playground during class if fully supervised by the instructor at all times. End of Class Instructors remain in classroom with students as parents/guardians arrive for pick-up. Parents/guardians must sign their child out on a sheet prepared by the club provider. Due to liability issues, students who are in KidsCo must be by the Provider after other students have been picked up. Students are required to be picked no later than ten minutes after class ends; providers may assess late fees if necessary. Students may be dropped due to regular late pick ups. Families are encouraged to have a "pick-up buddy" among families in the class in order to avoid any late pickups. Families also have the option to sign-up for the 4:30pm bus. Students riding the late bus will be supervised by the Recess Team. DAILY SCHEDULE, OFF-SITE CLASSES 3:25 Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 2:10 Wednesday Times vary for designated yellow bus stops; Enrichment Coordinator has stop/time info Instructors meet students at a designated area on campus OR at the SPS-determined yellow bus stop. Instructors must contact families of any missing children before leaving campus. Instructors meeting students at a yellow bus stop will be contacted by the Recess Team regarding absent students or late routes. End of Class Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday Instructors remain in designated area with students as parents/guardians arrive for pick-up. Parents/guardians must sign their child out on a sheet prepared by the club provider. Providers may assess late fees for students who are picked up later than ten minutes after class ends. FIRST DAY OF CLASS/REGULAR RITUALS On the first day of class, please be sure to establish expectations with students regarding behavior and generally being kind, safe, and fair. Take specific time to remind students that, though enrichment classes are after school, all during-school rules still apply. It can be helpful to begin each class with a ritual that includes time to eat a snack, especially for the younger students. Please allow time to end class with students coming together to reflect or share in an ending ritual that helps them transition to pick-up by families. QAE CLASSROOM USAGE Classrooms are available to club providers rent-free through Seattle Public Schools via waivers completed by the QAE PTSA. Classrooms are shared spaces: no equipment belonging to QAE may be used by after school enrichment programs except chairs, tables, and white boards. If chairs and tables are moved, they must be returned to the same location by the end of the enrichment class. Chairs should be placed on top of desks. Whiteboards should be erased (please note: providers must bring in their own dry erase markers and eraser). Materials such as gym equipment, paper, writing instruments, tissues, scissors, gluesticks, speakers, first aid kits, etc must be brought in by individual providers. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Students are expected to maintain the same behavioral standard as during the formal school day. Please remind students of this on the first day of classes and as needed. If any student is generally disruptive, prevents the instructor from conducting class, or leaves the classroom without the instructor’s permission, a conversation should be had with the student and communicated to the student's family and the Enrichment Coordinator. (If a student has an IEP, it is recommended that families share that information with enrichment providers.) It is understood that reasonable efforts to guide students to make appropriate choices will be made prior to a conversation with the student's family. After two such occurrences, parents/guardians and the enrichment provider will formally meet to discuss measures and find solutions to such problems. This meeting can take place over email or in person, but cannot happen during the after-school class time. Should the problem continue, the student will be withdrawn from the class without tuition refund. For bathroom breaks, please send students in groups of two. Or, the entire class may take a designated bathroom break all together (accompanied by the Instructor). STUDENT ALLERGIES Parents of students with severe allergies are responsible for contacting providers in order to develop a formal health concern plan. Instructors must read and understand these plans and maintain the classroom as a safe space. Enrichment programs do not have access to the school nurse's office. ATTENDANCE Providers are required to track attendance each week and report any absences to the Enrichment Coordinator. Repeated absence (3 times) from after-school enrichment without prior arrangement will result in the student being withdrawn from the class with no tuition refund. Illness does not count against these absences. Any action on removing a student from a class must be communicated with families and the Enrichment Coordinator. PARENT/GUARDIAN OBSERVATION & COMMUNICATION Parents and guardians are welcome to observe classes. However, they may not interfere with instruction and learning. To minimize class disruption, parents/guardians must communicate with the class instructor beforehand regarding the best time for observation (e.g., the first half of class). Parents/Guardians may be asked to assist with the class while observing, if appropriate. CONCERNS AND FEEDBACK Parents/Guardians are encouraged to communicate needs or give feedback to the instructor. When issues arise, parents/guardians should directly work with the instructor and club provider, outside of class time. It is understood that an instructor might not be available immediately following class; parents and instructors should decide upon an appropriate time for discussion. If issues cannot be resolved after direct communication with the instructor and provider, parents/guardians should contact the Enrichment Coordinator. CLASS CANCELLATIONS
INSTRUCTOR RUNNING LATE/OTHER EMERGENCIES If an instructor is running late--meaning arrival at QAE after 3:35pm (2:25pm on Wednesdays)--or has any other emergency close to class time, please contact the Recess Team at [number TBD] as soon as possible. INVOICES If the PTSA is covering scholarships (beyond the one full scholarship covered by providers), please send an invoice after the class has been in session for two weeks and at least two weeks before the final day of class. The $50 Provider Fee should be automatically paid through 6Crickets. If there are questions about correct amounts, please contact the Enrichment Coordinator. PROVIDER QUESTIONS/CONCERNS Please direct any questions about any club issue to the Enrichment Coordinator as soon as possible. We want to help you have the best class possible! |
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |