Volunteer Orientation We are building a school culture of Positive Discipline & Social-Emotional literacy to support our students' growth. To help make student-adult interactions consistent, we require attendance at one of our Volunteer Orientation sessions. We'll introduce you to the office staff, outline our school-wide Positive Discipline techniques, show you how to operate the equipment and where to find supplies, and more.
Volunteer Guidelines
Sign in/out of the Volunteer Book located both at the Main Office and Tree House every time you volunteer.
Be a positive role model for our students. Be courteous and demonstrate good behavior. Model our motto: Be Kind, Safe & Fair.
Turn cell phones off or to vibrate. If you need to take a call or check a message, please do so outside of the classroom.
While in the hall, speak quietly and keep doorways clear. Voices carry into the classrooms and are distracting to students and teachers.
Wear your Volunteer ID tag while at school. This helps students and staff identify you as a volunteer.
You're volunteering for an entire classroom, not just your own child.
Be focused, quiet and unobtrusive in the classroom.
Volunteers help students practice what has been taught: Academic instruction must be left to certificated classroom personnel (district regulations).
Maintain CONFIDENTIALITY. Protect and respect information you see or hear, especially pertaining to a student's work, behavior, or background.
Maintain appropriate physical boundaries. If in doubt, ask.
Please consult the teacher before bringing siblings or other children into a classroom with you when you volunteer & refrain from “dropping in” unless requested.
Check with each teacher or their classroom coordinator about his/her specific volunteer needs and address those needs before making suggestions.
Please sign for only 2-3 formal volunteer slots per class, per week. We want to include all of the parents who want to help!
The above list is posted in all classrooms. Please respect our teachers, students and staff by observing these guidelines when volunteering.