This assembly is a chance for each grade level to show and share some of their hard work from the year and projects that they might be working on! This may include reading some poetry in honor of Poetry Month, or sharing Earth projects, or sharing work from the other subjects as well. Parents and families are welcome to come and celebrate some of the learning from the year thus far! It will be fun to see many classes and grade levels share small snapshots of their hard work.
Thursday April 27th, 2017
Please join us to celebrate our students' achievements! ![]() We want to show our amazing staff appreciation for all they do! Your classroom coordinator should be in touch about thanking your teacher. In addition to the class-specific thanks, the PTSA is planning something each day for our teachers. All Week: Sweet and Savory Snacks in Staff Lounges in both buildings. Sign up here: Monday: Coffee Cart and Parent Social Teacher Appreciation Week Kick-off Teacher Appreciation Week begins with Monday morning after drop-off for our 1st Annual QAE Cafe Coffee Social. Enjoy your favorite coffee drink and write notes of encouragement for our wonderful staff and teachers that make QAE the amazing place it is. Coffee and barista skills donated by Caffè Fiorè and the Maclise Family. Cash donations will be accepted, all proceeds going towards QAE! Tuesday: Spa Day We have reserved two massage chairs for the teachers to enjoy during the morning. They will offer 10-15 minute relations hand, neck or foot massages to all staff who sign up. We will have a little table of spa samples for teachers/staff to pick from donated by QAE Parent and Mary Kay Consultant Laura Jackson. Wednesday: Flowers in the Staff Lounges Buckets of tulips will be delivered for staff to make small bouquets to take home. Thursday: All-Staff Lunch Generously donated by Metropolitan Market! Friday: All-Staff Pre-Paid Happy Hour An excursion to 5 Spot for our staff! Thanks to those who helped organize Teacher Appreciation Week. And special thanks to all the QAE staff for the amazing job they do with our kids! Principal Roy passed on the message below about an important meeting regarding QAE's option status and boundaries. Not familiar with the issues? See the PTSA's info page on Boundaries and Option Status for more details. The two actions you can take as an advocate for our school:
Invitation to Community Meeting on May 1st, 2017
Please join Seattle Public Schools at a community meeting on May 1 about the opening of Magnolia School. The district’s Enrollment Planning team will share an overview of responses received about possible boundaries for Magnolia School, share data related to various scenarios requested by the community and the School Board, and learn more from community feedback. No decisions have been made on Magnolia boundaries, or on boundary or program changes for other schools. The goal of this meeting is to share information and hear additional community feedback. Date: Monday, May 1, 2016 Time: 6:30 to 8 p.m. Location: McClure Middle School Gym, 1915 1st Avenue West Background: Magnolia School is undergoing renovations and will open in fall 2018. The district is currently exploring scenarios for setting boundaries for the new school to help relieve current and future crowding at Catharine Blaine K-8, Coe Elementary, and Lawton Elementary. A community meeting held in March was primarily attended by families from those three schools. Based on community feedback and requests from the School Board to include all Queen Anne elementary schools in the discussions, additional meetings were held with the Queen Anne Elementary and the Hay Elementary communities. For a summary of what we heard at these meetings and more information on the Magnolia boundaries, please visit (For information on the renovation project, please visit You may also share your input by emailing: [email protected]. Our friends at McClure Middle School are putting on a show! On June 3rd, they will be performing "Surf's Up" at the Interlaken High School Auditorium. See the details below:
Seattle Public Schools is offering a FREE SUMMER PROGRAM for any student grades K-4 who are below grade level in literacy and/or math. It runs from June 28th through July 28th and includes transportation as well as meals. See the Summer Staircase site for more details. A .pdf version of the application is available below which also has more information. ![]()
April 22nd is Earth Day and April 28th is Arbor Day. QAE is celebrating and appreciating!
The week of April 17th, our students will meet two visitors over their lunch hours. One from Islandwood who will encourage a milk collection program at our school and plant sunflower seeds. The other is from the National Wildlife Federation. Ask your kiddos about their Ranger Rick magazine and what they learned about solar, wind, geo and hydro energy! On Friday, Ms. Teske will be selling beautiful, rare peonies and we'll have a bake sale and other Earth Day crafts for sale! See the complete calendar of events on the QAE Garden page... Have a voice in the future of Queen Anne Elementary! The City of Seattle is putting together the School Departures Advisory Committee, related to the proposed construction of the new addition to QAE. The construction is scheduled to start at the end of June 2018, but this committee serves a vital need now in reviewing "departures" that have been requested by SPS for construction. The deadline to submit a brief letter of interest is Friday, April 21st, 2017 though they will likely accept letters into the following week. Regardless, this is a great way to help move our remodel process forward. All the details in the city press release below: Here’s your chance to serve on an advisory committee that will recommend whether to grant zoning modifications needed for the renovation and addition to the Queen Anne Elementary School (QAES). Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is seeking community members to serve on this committee. The Seattle School District is requesting modifications (known as a “departures”) from select City zoning regulations for the renovation and addition to the Queen Anne Elementary School located at 411 Boston Street. The modifications are:
The committee will convene one to three public meeting(s) at Queen Anne Elementary School during a 90-day period beginning when the committee is appointed. At the meetings, the committee will receive briefings from the Seattle School District, and gather and evaluate public comment on the departure requests. Following these meetings, the committee will forward a recommendation to the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI) to either grant or deny the requested modifications. The committee may also recommend relevant conditions to be applied to granting these changes to minimize its impacts on the surrounding neighborhood. SDCI will make the final decision. Those who can apply to the committee are neighbors who live or own a business within 600’ of Queen Anne Elementary School, residents in the surrounding neighborhood, representatives of city-wide education issues, and parents of future QAES students. Other committee members will include a representative from the School District and City of Seattle. To apply, please send a letter of interest by either e-mail or regular mail to: Maureen Sheehan Seattle Department of Neighborhoods PO Box 94649 Seattle, WA 98124-4649 Email: [email protected] Letters of interest should be received by Friday, April 21. For more information contact Maureen Sheehan at [email protected] or 206-684-0302. The City of Seattle is committed to promoting diversity in its boards and committees; women, young adults, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities, persons of color, and immigrants are highly encouraged to apply. The Major Institutions and Schools Program provides a way for neighbors of Seattle's hospitals, universities, and colleges to be directly involved in the development plans for those institutions to ensure neighborhood concerns are considered when those plans are made. It is a program of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. ![]() QAE Families of Color's is excited to welcome Jesse Hagopian as the speaker for the next meeting on Wed. April 19th at 6 p.m. Jesse Hagopian teaches history and is the co-adviser to the Black Student Union at Garfield High School. He'll be speaking about his work on Ethnic studies and equity in schools. Get more details on the FOC page... The meeting is open to all! Looking forward to hearing from Jesse and talking about how we can support this at QAE. ![]() All grades, families and guests are welcome to join our 7th Annual QAE Day at the Sounders on May 20th and fundraiser for the 5th grade trip to IslandWood! A portion of each ticket purchased is donated to Queen Anne Elementary and help send this year's 4th graders to IslandWood in Fall 2017. We'll be sitting as a group again and we get a nice discount on tickets. New this year -- all sales will be done online. Hurry though, the deadline is early this year: April 21st. Get your tickets now! Help our students while enjoying a great afternoon of soccer with other QAE families, friends and your MLS Champion Seattle Sounders! See the QAE at the Sounders site for more details... It’s almost time for the 4th annual QAE Talent Show!
The talent show will be held on Wednesday, May 24th from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Queen Anne Community Center Tryouts will be held the week of May 8th—more info coming after spring break. But if you or your child are interested in helping organize the show, please email [email protected] asap. And thanks! ![]() Student Photos Have you seen your child's beautiful black & white photo? You can email Sandra Nanney at [email protected] to see your child's copy. Send her your child's teacher and last name. Teacher Experiences and Sign Up Parties A few spaces remind for some of the amazing teacher parties that were part of the silent auction. You can still grab a spot for your child! There’s also a few places left for the parent poker and shopping parties. 2nd Grade at the Movies - 13 spots remaining Saturday, March 25th 3rd Grade Carkeek Park Extravaganza - 12 spots remaining Sunday, June 4th; 4-6pm 4th Grade Movie, Friendship & Root Beer Floats - 4 spots remaining (open to 5th graders as well) Friday, April 21st - 6-9pm 5th Grade afternoon of board and card games w/ pizza, snacks and drinks - 5 spots remaining (Open to 4th graders as well) Saturday, May 6th noon-4pm Mini golf with Mrs. Veleber - 1 spot remaining Mutually agreed upon date in May Venture Kits Carnival Games - 6 spots remaining 2 hour play party to ignite your kids creative business spirit (Open to 3rd and 4th graders) Saturday, July 8th 10am For the Grown Ups Poker Party Participant or Spectator Evening of Saturday, May 20th Shopping Party at Peridot Boutique Friday, May 12th 5-8:30pm See the all the experiences and reserve your spot... Between May 8th and 26th, Mrs. Veleber will be leading a unit on rolling and pedestrian safety. The 3rd through 5th grades classes will be using bicycles. In order to assist all students in their learning, it will be very beneficial to have volunteers to help with each 3rd through 5th grade class.
Help is needed between 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Please email Mrs. Veleber at [email protected] if you're able to volunteer to assist with this unit on any days in May! |
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |