Please send your auction theme submission to [email protected] by Tuesday night, December 17 (be sure to include your child and teacher's names with your submission). The winning theme will be announced in the PTSA e-newsletter on Thursday, December 19, and the winner will receive a gift certificate to Blue Highway Games!
Thank you, Sarah Morris, Natalie Carlson & Cari Lui QAE Auction Chairs New opportunities include creative writing and songwriting clubs, as well as a musical version of The Sneetches, a 50s rock and roll music club. Please visit here for registration and schedule information.
If your child wants to explore fun in science and technology, sign up for the QAE Robotics classes and the First Lego League. Registration for winter robotics is open and there is still space. Information on the classes and the online form are found here. Thank you, QAE PTSA Clubs Committee and QAE Robotics Club Give your input to the the Seattle Public Schools. The district is adopting new instructional materials for the math program in grades K-5 and you have a voice in choosing the next math program. SPS is currently evaluating eight potential math programs.
All program materials – textbooks, workbooks, teacher manuals, etc. -- are on display for members of the community to review and provide feedback on. The materials are available for viewing at: John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence In the professional library 2445 Third Ave S., Seattle, WA 98134. Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The JSCEE building will be open during winter break, with the exceptions of Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1. Feel free to come down and browse through the materials. We encourage feedback from the community at large. You will have until January 8th to submit your comments on all of the different K-5 math programs under review (list below). These comments will help the adoption committee identify three finalist programs for comprehensive review. Starting in early March the three finalist programs will be on public display at five different locations across the city. (Sites to be announced) The final program will be selected by the Math Adoption Committee in early April and submitted to the school board for approval in May. Following approval, the materials will be delivered to schools in time for start of classes in the fall. For more information, please visit the adoption webpage: For questions, comments, concerns, contact Adam Dysart ([email protected]) or Shawn Sipe ([email protected]) Programs under review: · Math in Focus · My Math · JUMP Math · Connecting Math Concepts · Ready Common Core · enVision · Origo Stepping Stones · Go Math This Fall we offered a wide variety of clubs for QAE students. To meet your needs, we'd like to hear from you. Please fill out this QAE Enrichment Programs survey. We welcome comments or suggestions.
Thank you for supporting the before-and-after-school programs at Queen Anne Elementary. Best, Clubs Committee The deadline to order QAE Spirit Wear is Friday, December 13. We will deliver online orders to the classrooms by December 20. You can order your QAE Spirit Wear here. Be sure to check out the new QAE tee!
Thank you, Stephanie Reich The QAE Auction is April 5, 2014. And it needs a fun, catchy theme! Put your heads together with your child and brainstorm. This year the theme does not need to be directly related to the "rocket." Get the idea? Good. Now run with it! Brainstorm NOW, because Contest starts now and ends December 17.
Send submissions to [email protected] by Tuesday, December 17. Be sure to include your's and your child’s name and classroom. The winner will receive a Gift Certificate to Blue Highway Games!! The winning theme will be announced Thursday, December 19th. Natalie Carlson, Cari Lui & Sarah Morris QAE Auction Chairs This Fall we offered a wide variety of clubs for QAE students. To meet your needs, we'd like to hear from you. Please fill out this QAE Enrichment Programs survey. We welcome comments or suggestions.
Thank you for supporting the before-and-after-school programs at Queen Anne Elementary. Best, Clubs Committee The non-profit is sponsoring The Hour of Code event to provide exposure to students across the world to the core concepts of coding. So far 28,000 events are happening with 4.1 million students across 166 countries (and counting) and Queen Anne Elementary is joining in. The event is December 11th. Kids will spend an hour learning to write code that day. Here’s what our students will be doing.
Why does coding matter? Teaching our kids to become creators and not just consumers of technology enables them to think creatively and solve problems today as well as expands their opportunities tomorrow. What is coding, exactly? Code is the set of instructions that tells computers, and many of the devices around us, what to do and when to do it. So what is the Hour of Code? Check out this video for an explanation. What do we need from you? Get excited! has modules for anyone. Check out the site and try it yourself. We would also love volunteers on 12/11, please sign up here. You don’t need to know how to code to volunteer! “Learning to code makes kids feel empowered, creative, and confident." Susan Wojcicki, Senior Vice President, Google “Whether we're fighting climate change or going to space, everything is moved forward by computers." Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” Steve Jobs, Founder, Apple Consider helping out Queen Anne Elementary's Holiday Donation Drive for Treehouse, an organization that supports our area foster children. The holidays can be tough for kids in foster care, many face the season without parents, relatives or siblings. Our donation drive will help Treehouse give new toys and warm winter clothes to foster kids this holiday season.
Here’s how you can help: • Check out the holiday wish list below and see what foster kids want this holiday. • Drop off the unwrapped gift at QAE between Dec 2nd – 19th. Be sure to purchase new gifts, warm clothes, or make a donation by Dec 19th. Then bring your donations to QAE. There will be donation boxes in the treehouse and brick buildings. We’ll make sure they get to Treehouse in time. Please feel free to contact Gladys Ly-Au Young at [email protected] of the philanthropy committee if you have any questions, and thank you for giving foster kids a brighter holiday! Thank you, QAE PTSA philanthropy committee Treehouse Wish List: New Clothes - All sizes and styles, from infants to teens New Outfit - Head-to-Toe Long or Short Sleeved Shirt Hoodie Warm Winter Coat Jeans Backpack New Gifts - Infant and Toddlers Ride-On Toy Fun Musical Toy Mega Blocks Teething Toy New Gifts - Girls and Boys Ages 5-12 Easy Bake Oven Lego City Headphones American Girl Doll Ninjago Littlest Pet Shop Kit Make up Kit LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer New Gifts - Teens ages 13-18 Seahawks Jersey eReader iPod Prepaid Phones + Minutes Mini Hair Dryer Cute Handbag Flat Iron Portable Music Speakers Digital Camera The full schedule for Winter 2014 clubs (January through March) is now available on the QAE “Clubs and Activities” page. Please visit here for information on how to register.
New offerings include creative writing and songwriting clubs, as well as a musical version of The Sneetches, a 50s rock and roll music club, textile workshop with Ms. Meg (filling up fast!), the Art of Legend with Kids Create Art, and all your favorites from fall. Clubs fill up quickly, so please SIGN UP EARLY! Questions? Email [email protected]. Thanks! Enrichment Co-chairs Heidi and Isadora |
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |