We need parent help in 2022-23![]() Dear QAE, Our school was established in 2010 by a passionate, dedicated and involved group of teachers, staff and parents. With the organizational foundation they put in place 12 years ago our school volunteer leadership has been able to glean stability, grounding and direction during these past three years of uncertainty. Your current PTSA is asking you to help make sure this stabilizing yet flexible effort continues for our future students, teachers and community. Becoming a board member of the PTSA is a great way to build community for our kids (and as a parent!), and to create enrichment opportunities for the whole school. We’d love to have you join us for the 2022-2023 school year! Please note: All roles can be shared with a friend, and current board members are happy to talk to you further about what the roles entail. If you are at all curious, want to learn more, have questions or have ideas about our school. Please take the next step and connect. We need you to help build our Board! You can reach out in the following ways:
Field Day 2022 volunteers sign-up here!![]() Yay!!! All parents and guardians are invited to volunteer and join in on the outdoor fun! When: Monday, June 13th all day! Where: Our QAE school playground. What: There will be playful games, face painting, ping-pong, picture booth, water game stations, sack races, hula hooping and more. SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER HERE for morning, afternoon or all day slots! To help make an extra special day for the kids, our Field Day Committee is looking for the following:
Yearbooks!![]() Every student will receive a 2021-22 yearbook courtesy of QAE PTSA. We're committed to purchasing one book per student and one per staff. To help cover the costs and ensure special mementos like this as well as student & community enriching events and general PTSA initiatives, can continue in the future, we're asking community to help cover the cost if you are able. Any and all donations help all students, families and staff. Pay what you can here. Choose 'send', then enter an amount. Click 'add a note' and write 'yearbook'. Then continue to enter your payment information. Thank you for your support! Mark Your Calendars for ALL of the Upcoming Events & CelebrationsUpcoming Events & Reminders
Thank you for your readership! This is a QAE PTSA newsletter. Please direct questions, comments, concerns and ideas to [email protected]
Last PTSA Membership Meeting of the school year-please come!Please join us on the evening of Wednesday, June 8. Official business will run from 6-7:30 pm. At this time important budget discussions and voting will take place. 15 minutes before and after is reserved for open questions. Your QAE PTSA would love to hear from you and see you on TEAMS this evening! Find the link to join here in the PTSA calendar. This is a great opportunity for learning about open board positions for next year. Your Parent Teacher Student Association welcomes everyone! Bring a friend! Align your passions with PTSA!![]() Dedicated hearts of many volunteers makes our community stronger. The PTSA is recruiting board members and board directors for the 2022-23 school year. Let's explore how to align your passions with ways to support QAE! Lots of positions are open and can all be shared with a buddy! Here is our active recruitment list:
End of year pack up - Here's how you can help.![]() Our principals and teachers could use some helping hands to get QAE classrooms in ship-shape ready for next September. Volunteers are needed to help with organizing, sorting and boxing up supplies. This work will take place in empty rooms during the school day, and needs to be completed by June 17th. If you can offer a few hours of your time over the next few weeks, please email our volunteer coordinator, Jeanine MacQuarrie, at [email protected]. Indicating your general availability will be helpful. Preschoolers are welcome! Upcoming Events & Reminders
Thank you for your readership! This is a QAE PTSA newsletter. Please direct questions, comments, concerns and ideas to [email protected]
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 1st-7th![]() The PTSA has special plans for Teacher Appreciation Week! A Staff Farmer's Market is being organized for Thursday, May 5th. PTSA needs help acquiring local fresh fruits/veggies/herbs/flowers/products. Do you have a connection to a local farm/product? Can you donate part of your harvest from the pea patch that week? Can you donate your CSA box that week? If you answered yes to any of those questions, please contact Jamie Ross Djelosevic SOON at [email protected]. An Evening for New Families- May 3rd![]() Ms. Roy is leading a Welcome to Queen Anne event for new families on May 3rd 5:30 – 7 pm. This is a drop-in style with a PTSA table set up to offer information, answer questions and get to know people. It's so nice to meet people in person again! QAE's very own 4th and 5th grade Explorers will be tour guides. Meet outside in the school courtyard. Caffeine with Janine staring May 9th![]() Starting on Monday, May 9th from 7:55 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. Ms. Roy will be available to informally gather outside with parents to connect over coffee. This is a great time to ask questions and share ideas. All are welcome and we are so happy to have this tradition come back to life! Keep tuning in here for the June Caffeine with Janine date. Burgers and Beers - May 12th![]() Get tickets here. Few things are better at building community than getting together for burgers and beer. When the beer comes from local favorite Rooftop Brewing and the burgers are SMASH burgers, you have the makings of a historic event. Grab your friends and head to Rooftop's private event space by the Ballard bridge to enjoy delicious, almost famous "Oklahoma Smash Burgers" by Seattle's self-proclaimed smash-burger connoisseur extraordinaire, owner of Caffe Ladro, and QAE parent, Jack Kelly. It'll be a great opportunity to meet new people, bond with those you know, and consume the best of brews and burgers. Only 6 spaces left! Proceeds go to QAE PTSA. Upcoming events and reminders![]()
Thank you for your readership! This is a QAE PTSA newsletter. Please direct, question, comments, concerns and ideas to [email protected]
Earth Day Bingo on Friday![]() Check your student’s orange folder or back pack this week for an Earth Day Bingo activity! How many squares can your family complete? Students should bring their bingo forms back to school on Friday, April 22nd to be entered into a draw to win new books for their classroom! Thank you to parent volunteer, Veronika Ziegler - Garden Coordinator, for creating this fun earth minded activity. Parent's Day Out - May 21st![]() Take advantage of the spring sunshine on Saturday, May 21st from 1 to 4 p.m. You can drop your kids off at the Queen Anne Elementary playground to play while you get some time to yourself! Thank you to QAE parents Katie Luhman and Jackson Bennett who will entertain your child for three hours. Snacks and school playground equipment, such as balls and jump ropes, will be provided. Sign up your student and their friends for an afternoon of fun! The cost is $75 and all proceeds go towards our QAE PTSA in continued effort to reach this year's fundraising goals. Sign up here! Book Fair on May 9th - 12th![]() Thank you to Ms. Parker for making our library such a wonderful place! With community support we can continue keeping our library current and interesting for our students. Mark your calendars for the QAE Book Fair, May 9th-12th. QAE @ the Seattle Sounders on June 18th![]() SAVE THE DATE! One of QAE’s favorite community events is back! Join your classmates, staff, and parent community on June 18th at Lumen Field as the Sounders take on division rival LAFC! Kick-off is at noon. Come celebrate all that we have accomplished together this school year and cheer the Sounders to victory. Scholarship tickets will be available to ensure everyone that wants to attend can. More information on ticket ordering coming to the Rocket Reader and Classroom News soon! Children MUST be accompanied by an adult guardian. This is not a chaperoned field trip. QAE teachers and staff will attend, but this is not a district-sponsored school event. Thank you to parent volunteer, Jonathan Hildebrandt for organizing. The Yearbook needs your pictures!![]() It's that time! Parents, teachers, guardians and friends, please look back through your camera rolls, phone pic history, and emails. Then, send us some of your best candid shots from the various moments this past school year! There are two ways to send us pictures: 1. Email your pictures to [email protected] 2. Download them to this secure drop-box. Please include your child's name, grade, teacher and VOPP/In-Person in your email and make the subject line, "2021-22 Yearbook." With your participation we'll have extra sweet 2021-22 memories for our kids to look back on. Thank you parent volunteer, Tiffany Robinson, for leading the yearbook project this year. To say this year has been unprecedented is probably an understatement. Our current parent volunteers did a wonderful job helping guide our community through the move to at-home learning, our cancelled live auction and much more. We're looking for some parents to join the Board. It's a great time to bring some new ideas — be it on how to best support our kids and staff during online learning, how to continue to build on our school's work supporting social justice and more.
No matter your background, availability or skillset, there are plenty of ways to help. Below are a few highlighted positions, but the Board is happy to chat about any ways you can help. Interested? Write to [email protected] Officers — we likely will have openings for a co-President and Assistant Treasurer. Help lead the PTSA! Families of Color Director — Kay Dumlao, who has led our FOC group, can use some parents to help with FOC. Looking for a way to help build our students' commitment to social justice? This is a great way to help continuing building cultivate a compassionate, welcoming culture at QAE. Communications Director — have a background in marketing, communications or design? Help with our Rocket Reader, website and more. Fundraising Director — help us shape what supporting our community looks like in a post-COVID world. Do we keep doing the auction, Jog-A-Thon and Fund Drive? Or do those evolve? A quick reminder — if you have expenses for this school year that you need to get reimbursed by the PTSA please submit your expense report by this Friday, June 18th. Here's the link to the check request form.
Like many of you, the PTSA Board team members have been juggling managing learning at home during the pandemic and how to talk/involve our kids in taking actions around the response to George Floyd's death and protests. We are thankful that QAE has been focused on social justice and will share more resources soon on how to have meaningful conversations with your kids.
In the meantime, the Board is doing the best we can to plan for the coming year, knowing there is much uncertainty. Please join us online at 8pm on Wednesday, June 10th for our Spring General PTSA meeting. We'll be covering:
Please RSVP using the form here. You'll get the Zoom meeting link after you RSVP. Hope to see on Wednesday. If you're unable to make it, but have questions/comments please write to Sandra at [email protected] Reminder: join us on Thursday evening, 6:30-8pm, for a free parent education event hosted on Zoom! Katie Gruver from Positive Parenting Seattle will be presenting on "Using Family Meetings to Reconnect, Solve Problems and Have Fun (yes, it's possible!) During COVID-19."
How to join: Please send an email to Principal Roy at [email protected] and she'll share the Zoom link to you. If you feel like you’re constantly renegotiating expectations with your child(ren) about homework, chores, bedtimes, screen usage, siblings etc; if you feel like you’ve fallen back on punishments or threats and are looking for a few new ideas; if you feel like you're spending every moment together, but that very little of it is FUN; if you've been overwhelmed or disconnected or frustrated by juggling it all right now, please join us for an informative and uplifting conversation on family meetings. More details on the schedule and about Katie here... QAE community – the PTSA has been a little quiet over the past few weeks. Like each of you, we have been navigating our new normal. Balancing work, or no work, distance learning for our kids, Zoom meetings/happy hours/classrooms AND all the dishes! Parents that are Essential Workers – THANK YOU for being essential and being there for others!
The PTSA team has been chipping away at a handful of items and wanted to give you a quick update: Auction – Thank you for participating in our first Virtual Auction. The consensus was we came together as a community and did an AMAZING job at raising money for our school, teachers and kids. Thank you to Mary Rea and Jenn Lovin for all of their hard work. Our community raised almost $95,000! Thank you for pivoting and being flexible when we weren’t sure how we were going to pull it off. Reimbursement Forms – If you have any receipts that need reimbursement. Please submit your forms and receipts using this link and email to [email protected]. Open PTSA Roles for next year – These are unprecedented times and the Board needs your help to fill next year’s leadership roles. We have a number of open roles – if you are interested, we would like to speak with you. Officers - Officers sign checks, manage the budget and expenditures, ensure legal requirements are met, and provide leadership on PTSA interests throughout the school year • President • Co-Treasurer • Secretary • Assistant Treasurer Directors - take the responsibility of specific areas of interest, along with advising and voting on issues at regular PTSA board meetings. Together with the Executive group, they form the voting members of the Board • Communications Director • Fundraising • Legislative Director • Families of Color Director • Technology Advisor Director Coordinators - They do not have a vote and are not required to attend board meetings (but are welcome and encouraged to!). They fill vital additional roles for QAE. • Co- Community Outreach & Events Coordinator • Garden Coordinator • Fund Drive • Auction Budget Season — usually this time of year we take a lot of time going through line by line of our PTSA budget to determine how much we should allocate for next year. We continue to do this work but understand there are a lot of unknowns and want to give ourselves the most flexibility for the 2020-2021 school year. Yearbook — Can you believe we are still thinking about Yearbooks?!? Send in your pictures and ESPECIALLY any fun at home pictures because we are going to have an “at home” section because this will be a most memorable part of the 2019-2020 school year. We are also working on details of a Virtual Book Fair and Virtual Parent Education event, more to come as we get those details! If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Sandra Nanney at [email protected]. Thank you, Sandra Nanney QAE PTSA President Dear QAE Families,
What a wonderful community we have at Queen Anne Elementary. As I work on the last minute gifts to wrap in a box I think of the most important gift that so many parents give – the Gift of Time. I am so appreciative of the gift of time that so many of the parents here at QAE give every week. There are many times that we ask for volunteers for specific tasks and events – THANK YOU!!! but there is a mighty core group of volunteers that are plugging away every single week. I realize this gift of time to the school and the PTSA is something more treasured than anything I can wrap up under the tree. I wanted to thank these weekly volunteer warriors and can’t wait to see you in 2020 and kick off a whole new year: Jody Stewart – she helps collect, answer and coordinate with the individual classroom coordinators in their class news. Classroom Coordinators – The classroom news is one of the most important emails we get all week. Thank you to all our classroom coordinators that help take time each week to collect, coordinate and share! Here's the entire list: Justin Ward, Lindsay Coetzee, Maria Clabeaux, Jill Randall, Sydney Mintle, Rebekah DuBeau, Stacie Farrar, Sharon Breiner, Dana Pelleg, Lisa Christensen, Mary Gilliam, Erika Bloch, Veronika Ziegler, Siri Ito, Brett Adler, Tamara Convertino, Brandi Casto, Jamie Ross, Genevieve Kitsch, Jenny Feldman, Marna Metcalf, Jody Stewart, Rosa Alvarez, Nick Papadopulos, Rick North and Jenny Feldman. Cindy Reiner / Kelly Essemier – so important to our staff, teachers and parents we are asking for payment or reimbursements. This team is working every week to update our books and process our check requests. Mark Stewart – plugs away at the weekly Rocket Readers, social media and cleaning up our web page. In this day and age where there is a deluge of information Mark is so important in keeping us informed. Shalini Nilakantan / Lisa Christensen – If there are events or not they are constantly thinking of events upcoming events, planning for future events, or cleaning up all the popcorn from Popcorn Fri-Yay! Mary Rea, Jenn Lovin and April Jenks – the auction isn’t till March but there is a steady amount of work that happens every week. There is great organization and momentum in these weekly meetings. And what kind of PTSA President would I be if I didn’t make a plug where we ask you to remember to make your donation to our Annual Fund Drive? Every few dollars make our goal of $60,000 possible--you can help us Raise the Rocket and get your tax-deductible donation in before the end of the year! And if we don’t reach our goal I’ll come back in the new year and remind you again. 😊 Thank you for being a part of the Queen Anne Elementary community — this is a busy time of the year for everybody and I wish everybody the holiday magical wish of a few minutes where you can take a breath, kick back and enjoy your beverage in peace. Sandra Nanney PTSA President Welcome to a new series of “FRI-YAY” community events right after school! Our first FRI-YAY fun is coming up this Friday, Oct 25th, right after school for 20 minutes (rain or shine) outside by the gym. Tasty, fresh-made POPCORN will be for sale for $1 a bag. For our bus riders, Kids Co. and Enrichment students we’ll have popcorn pre-sales at lunch which will be delivered to their backpacks before end of day (please remember to have your kiddo bring $1 cash on Friday). We’ll munch popcorn and celebrate the weekend ahead! (All proceeds go directly to fund PTSA community events)
Our first All School PTSA meeting takes places on Wednesday, October 16th from 6:30-8pm at the school! We'll be in the Chiilzone/cafeteria area!
It's a great way to hear about what's going on at the school, including the PTSA's plans for this year—we’ll check in on plans for community event this year, elect new board members and more. All are welcome, would love to you see and hear you at the meeting. Games Club will be available during the meeting. Reserve a space here: https://qaeptsa.wufoo.com/forms/october-16-ptsa-meeting-games-club/ Dear Queen Anne Elementary Family, Welcome! What an amazing 3+ weeks of school with an incredible QAE school community of students, families, teachers and staff. The QAE PTSA vision is to support this community and to support each other to help make our child’s potential become a reality and to help provide a powerful voice for our children. QAE PTSA is a volunteer-run organization and we appreciate all of your volunteering efforts! Before I jump in, I wanted to remind you that our first big event and fundraiser of the year is this Friday--our beloved QAE Jog-A-Thon! We're at $22,000 towards our goal of raising $40,000 and need your help to meet that goal and support our kids. Setting up a PledgeStar account is a snap — take a few minutes to set it up now. Whether you post your PledgeStar link to your social media or dial up your grandparent for a donation — every dollar raised helps! And we'll see you on Friday at the school! If you are new to QAE or back again I wanted to share the focuses we have this year. These were built on parent and staff feedback the Board received at the end of the last school year: Funding staff positions. The PTSA assists in funding our in-class tutors for Kindergarten and 1st Grade, playground supervisor, additional math specialist time, allocation for someone to help with particular paperwork and a Social Emotional Learning focused tutor. Providing staff and classroom support. Funding staff professional development, training days for learning new curriculum and positive discipline, and discretionary funds teachers can use to enhance their classroom or curriculum. And math curriculum for the 4th and 5th grade classes. Bringing in special guests for assemblies and events. Families of Color, which seeks to create a welcoming community for children and families of color, and to integrate cultural competency at QAE. Gather in the Garden, which uses the QAE Learning Garden to integrate basic earth sciences and community stewardship for our students and families. Classroom Coordinators, who keep you connected to what’s happening academically and socially in the classroom. In addition, we sponsor a host of additional support to build community and have fun through events, support Project Based Learning, and generally make QAE the most fun elementary school in Seattle! This is all made possible through the hard work of volunteers and through funds raised each school year. How does PTSA pay for the above initiatives: The PTSA holds fundraising events just three times during the school year. Our estimated total fundraising goal this year is $250,000. Jog-A-Thon – Powered by our students by reaching out to our family and friends for pledges. Explorer Fund Drive – Powered by our parents to help answer a call by our school, teachers and students. Auction – Powered by the whole community. A social evening that helps bring together our parent and teacher community to socialize and raise the dollars needed to fund this year’s operating budget. (Save the Date – Friday, March 13, 2020) Here’s how you can get involved: Complete the back to school checklist! This includes ensuring we can contact you for all of these great events, among many other things. qaeptsa.org/checklist. Volunteer. Whether you volunteer in your child’s class, in campus groups, or through the PTSA, there are many ways to be involved. We are looking for a team to plan our annual auction but there are opportunities on every level of time commitment and interest. Start at the PTSA volunteer page or reach out to [email protected]. Attend a PTSA event. We organize community events (Family Games Night, Jog-A-Thon, etc) throughout the year, so please join us. We keep all school and PTSA dates on the calendar. Donate. Fundraising enables us to support our students. We organize three annual fundraising events: Jog-A-Thon (October 4, 2019), Explorer Fund Drive (Dec. 2020), and Auction (March 13, 2020). Read the Rocket Reader. Our weekly e-newsletter publication includes essential school and PTSA information and important dates. The email address you provide through the Directory will be added to our distribution list courtesy of QAE PTSA. Please contact [email protected] if you are not receiving the Rocket Reader. Look for more information at qaeptsa.org, in the Rocket Reader, and in your student’s orange folder in the coming weeks. We look forward to meeting you and thank you for your support. Sincerely, Sandra Nanney QAE PTSA President Frequently Asked Questions How do I get information? Do I need Facebook?
We try to communicate in different ways to reach all parents – Rocket Reader emails, weekly Class Coordinator emails, student orange folders and Facebook postings. Some forms of communication will reach you faster than others. Facebook – I see two QAE facebook accounts. What’s the difference? There are two pages that shares school information. Queen Anne Elementary PTSA – primary posts are the official dates and to-do's pushed by the PTSA and the Board initiatives. QAE Community Discussions – closed group of QAE community family members where all individuals are welcome to post questions, discussions and support each other. The after-school enrichment registration process is different this year – why is that? After many years of running the enrichment program with a team of volunteers it was brought to the Board that the program had gotten larger than the parent volunteers could manage. The after-school program is now being run by Kids Co. It does look similar because we provided them all our previous providers for them to contact for set up. QAE PTSA Board Meeting vs. General Meeting –What is the difference? PTSA board meetings occur once a month for committee updates, discussions on ways to improve, execute, and vote on upcoming requests and needs of the communities. All are welcome but only board members have a vote on motions during the Meeting. General Meeting – PTSA holds three all school meetings each year to share with the community financial updates, committee updates or any motions that require an all membership vote I.e. the main PTSA Budget requires a general membership vote. All are welcome and usually kids club is available for students. I have an idea and want to start something new? Great! We are open to new ideas and parent led initiatives. Please reach out to [email protected] and we can figure it out. What’s coming up?
Other questions? Email [email protected] and we'll do our best to help. As we start the year, there are a few volunteer positions where we could use your help. QAE relies on volunteers to make our school flourish. We'd love you to join us! If you're interested in any of the roles or have any other questions, please reach out to PTSA President Sandra Nanney at [email protected]
Auction Focus Group - call it an auction, fundraiser or spring social but once a year we host an event where QAE comes together to socialize and raise money for our school. We want to change it up this year but before paying for deposits we want to get a group of parents together to brainstorm ideas. Would you be willing to meet as a small group for coffee? Or after work drink? FYI - we don’t have a Auction Team Lead yet. We have plenty of volunteers but not someone to marry it all together. If you are interested in leading PLEASE reach out to Sandra Nanney @ [email protected] Legislative Director - do you like following the news? Do you read the voter pamphlets from cover to cover? This role might be right for you. Looking for someone that will inform our school of legislation that would impact our school community. Did you know that PTAs were created to advocate for the child. Please let us know if there are things we should advocate! Families of Color co-director - Equity, diversity and the ongoing community dialogue to better educate ourselves and our children. Do you have the desire to further the conversation? Our amazing Leader, Kay Dumlao Doherty, is hoping to have a partner to help further the conversation and share the goals of making sure we take the time to connect and educate. Fundraising Director - QAE PTSA hosts 3 fundraising events a year. As fundraising director you will review numbers and updates with the groups running the events. Support and brainstorm where needed. Usually the event teams are really focused on the execution to come to the boring board meetings :) Many years the fundraising director will run 1 of the 3 events themselves. Assistant Treasurer - are you good with check requests? Or tallying numbers? Our co-treasurers would like to round out the team with an additional person. Full transparency - Kelly Essmeier, our assistant treasurer for 1 year and now treasurer for her 2nd year will be graduating from QAE. She is hoping to pass on the knowledge to the next team so we have good transitions. We can add a lead to any position you are interested in. The President roles would appreciate a Co-President or a Co-Vice President to join them at the table. If you are interested please reach out to Sandra Nanney at [email protected] We wanted to share results of the PTSA Family Survey, but first off -- please join us at the final PTSA General Meeting of the year on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30pm at the Queen Anne Community Center. It's important we hear from you about the proposed budget and priorities for next year! Plus, hear about how the final construction work is going at QAE on Boston St and the timeline for moving over the summer! Games Club will be available for your kiddos during that time - sign up for slots here!
We thank all those in the community who answered the Family Survey last month. Here's how the community ranked the priority areas:
With that guidance we applied that mindset when looking at the budget allocations for next year. We spread the budget into the following general categories:
Please keep in mind the budget is still being finalized by the Board, so there is potential that the percentages may change slightly. But the board really looked at making the decisions based on your feedback. To be fiscally responsible we cut all categories of the expenses down from this years budget and from previous year because we raised less total dollars versus prior year. This year you helped raise $230k (THANK YOU!!!) based on the three primary QAE PTSA fundraisers as well as "passive" donations:
If your company is able to match funds we ask you to consider submitting a matching request for QAE. If your company pays for your volunteer hours please remember to tally up your QAE volunteer hours to submit. Every penny adds up! FAQ Why are we talking about next years budget now? The regular PTSA fiscal year starts on July 1st. And historically we take a vote at this last general membership meeting of the year to give the Board the ability to move forward with planning and spending. We will re-present the information with any suggested updates at the first general meeting of the school year, typically in October. Why did we raise less money this year? QAE had fewer families/students at the school versus last year. Although the per dollars raised per student were similar from the direct fundraisers we had fewer students at the school vs. prior year. So less total dollars. Can we make changes at the general membership meeting? Yes adjustments can be made in the majority of the categories. There is a particular chunk in the staffing budget that we cannot touch at this point because we have signed an agreement with SPS to commit to staff. --- We hope to see you on Tuesday at the Community Center to discuss and vote! |
Welcome to the Rocket Reader blog! The PTSA's collection of news & information relevant to QAE Families. This is also shared weekly in the Rocket Reader e-newsletter. Use the form below to sign up!
E-News Sign-UpThe Rocket Reader newsletter is sent weekly by the PTSA. Categories
October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |