The deadline has been extended to Monday, Nov. 5th. To participate, fill out the PDF below and return to the office on Monday. ----- As the holiday season approaches, stresses and strains we might otherwise dismiss can overwhelm us. The holiday season can place additional strain on many families in our community who are already working hard to keep their children fed, clothed, active, and hopeful. The purpose of the QAE Families and Friends program is to strengthen our school community by giving all families the opportunity to:
Fill in the confidential form and return it in a sealed envelope to the QAE Office by Wednesday, Nov. 30th. Julietta Skoog or Jennifer Connolly will contact you shortly thereafter. Questions? Contact Jennifer Connolly at 252-2480 or by email at [email protected] or [email protected] ![]()
As we head into break, we first wanted to say thanks to the families that have taken the time to commit to our QAE community during the Explorer Fund Drive.
It's been a busy and distracting last couple weeks, so we've extended the deadline. If you didn't have a chance, there's still time to contribute to the Explorer Fund Drive! We kicked off this Fund Drive with hope and inspiration of how we say Yes. Here's just some of the many things the PTSA able to say YES to with your support:
As we begin this Thanksgiving break, you can help us continue to say Yes and support the amazing staff and students of QAE! Donate Now to the Explorer Fund Drive Enjoy your holidays and thank you for your support, The Queen Elementary PTSA Our 4th annual QAE Hour of Code is on Wednesday, Dec. 7th. Hour of Code is a North America-wide event to help students understand how to create their own computer codes and engage in the problem solving and logic that underlies it. QAE is again joining in on the The Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week. More than 100 million students have participated already (and our kids are among them!) Living in a world surrounded by technology, we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. Only a small fraction of students are learning computer science, and fewer students are studying it than a decade ago (and women account for only 12% of computer science degrees).
The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. Here’s a video to get you inspired! To accomplish our goal of everyone at Queen Anne Elementary coding, we need parent help! Here’s how you can get involved: 1. Talk about software development and coding with your kids. How does software impact the work you do? How does it impact the world around them? Get them excited about this critical field and its applications. 2. Volunteer to help on Wednesday, December 7th. We need morning volunteers, sign up to volunteer... 3. Learn some coding skills. Go to and Khan Academy and take a few introductory or advanced coding classes on your own and with your kid(s) 4. Sign up to bring snacks in for the volunteers and staff on December 7th. Fed parents are happy! 5. Tell others about the Hour of Code... friends, family, grandparents. Get them excited and involved. Encourage others to sign up themselves, their kids, and their schools to participate in this movement to bring 21st century skills to all kids. Get more info on the Hour of Code site. Thank you for all your support and help as we introduce our kids to the skills they need to flourish in the 21st Century. We learn everywhere, we learn together! Appreciations from Last Week:
Next Week:
Raise for Maize Campaign for Dwankhozi: Queen Anne Elementary has a partner school named Dwankhozi Primary School, located in Eastern Zambia. The school is supported by a foundation called Dwankhozi Hope. One of the ways that Dwankhozi Hope supports the students at Dwankhozi Primary School is to hold a fundraising campaign called Raise for Maize. The funds raised provide food for the students at Dwankhozi Primary School during the community's "Hungry Season." In rural southern Africa, subsistence farmers experience a Hungry Season (January-March) when their stored food grown is depleted as they wait for the rainy season to end and the March harvest to be ready. That means their children are coming to school hungry, which makes learning very difficult for them. The school day has to be shortened during this period as the students have no energy to learn. About half of the students don't make it to school as their focus is on finding food. We have an opportunity to help! Women in the Dwankhozi Primary School community are willing to make the students a school lunch during this Hungry Season. They just need us to help buy some maize:
QAE Student Leadership visited classes this week to outline our Raise the Maize Campaign running from Dec. 5 – 9. We are asking students to do a service at home to fund raise. We are hoping students will bring the funds they raise in an envelope and write a message to explain what service they did to raise money for Dwankhozi students. Students will be invited to bring their donations in the sealed envelope on Friday, Dec. 9th and put it in a jar in the cafeteria during lunch hour. The focus will be on all of us working together to make a difference for others. It is the act of kindness and service that we are focusing on, rather than the size of the donation. Thank you for helping your child to plan how they will fundraise for this important annual global citizenship event at our school. Food Drive: Article by Lewis Nettleton, QAE Student Reporter: We are starting a food drive for Pike Place Market’s food bank. It starts December 5 – 9th. This is a list of food that you can bring:
Bring a donation and help our downtown Seattle neighborhood. For more information, go to Come for the donuts, cider and pie. Stay for the weeds!
Our garden needs to get ready for the winter! That means we need as many adult helping hands as possible!! Get ready to cut old growth back, turn soil, plant bulbs and spread mulch. A huge thank you to Five Corners Hardware who is donating and delivering mulch for us! Bring your bulbs!! (School colors, purple and orange would be great but all colors of course are welcome!!) We'll also be collecting non-perishables for NW Harvest at the party. Kiddos are encouraged to come. See the Gather at the Garden page for more details... Our kids. Our teachers. Our family. We're building a community of concerned, confident and compassionate citizens of the world.
Our Five Pillars:
If you haven't had a chance, please donate now! Ms. Amsel, our former art teacher, is returning by popular demand for an early dismissal art class on Wednesday, Nov. 16th from 12:05-2:05 p.m.
Wacky Fall Wednesday with Ms. Amsel Come join the fun with Ms. Amsel for a day of Art making! We will be constructing and building Fall related projects using mixed media. Students will move through art making stations and try different materials. With the use of paint, collage, and printmaking we will be creating a variety of artworks in this Wacky Wednesday art session! A short recess, and a light snack are included. Date: November 16th Time: 12:05pm - 2:05pm Min/Max: 8 - 24 Students Cost: $30 RSVP now to reserve a space... Unfortunately, we need to postpone QAE Game night which had been scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 10th. There is a conflict in scheduling at the QA Community Center, so we'll be rescheduling it for sometime in 2017.
Our apologies for the delay. Hope you still find some time to gather with family and friends to play something fun! Our annual Explorer Fund Drive kicked off yesterday and will run through Wednesday, November 16.
The PTSA holds fundraising events just three times during the school year:
Our goal for the Explorer Fund Drive is to raise $80,000 directly from our QAE Parent Community. Donate to the Explorer Fund Drive! Your PTSA works with staff and teachers at the beginning of the year to determine what can most benefit our students that the school district is unable to provide. Through this process, the PTSA said YES to:
The PTSA has an ambitious goal to spend $799 per student during the 2016-17 school year. Please say YES to help support all the above items and many, many more. Help us say YES when our students have a need, our teachers voice a request, or our parents are passionate about something that will support our 419 students. Donate to the Explorer Fund Drive now! Thank you in advance for supporting the students, staff, and community at Queen Anne Elementary! QAE PTSA ![]() Help! Parents of students in grades K-3 are **desperately needed to assist in hearing and vision screenings for our students.** There are slots this Thursday (8 - 9:30 a.m. and 9:30 - 11 a.m.) and next Thursday. You'll help the school nurse, Karen, with simple screenings (have the kids read letters on an eye chart). It's fun to work with with the kids and it's important to catch these issues. If you have a chance to help, please sign up here: We hope you can help! |
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E-News Sign-UpThe Rocket Reader newsletter is sent weekly by the PTSA. Categories
October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |