Every dollar raised from the Jog-A-Thon helps support learning at QAE. From tutors and teacher training to community events. Thanks in advance for your support — together we can make a difference in the lives of many children, Friday and beyond! We would also like to thank our amazing sponsors from this year and past years for all of your support!
Please consider extending your fundraising emails to more friends and family and sharing your student’s page on social media. See the QAE PTSA Jog-A-Thon page for all the info and FAQs... Psst, more later this week, but we have some fun "Move-A-Thon" Bingo cards — check them out on the page! We know that this Fall we may need some extra ways for our students and families to connect. The PTSA has been organizing Class Rosters that include contact information for each family. Your Classroom Coordinator has already shared or will be sharing them soon!
The Rosters are based on those who have opted-in to have their contact info shared when they filled out the Back-to-School form. If you haven't had a chance to fill it out now, please do so now! Principal Roy will be hosting our second virtual Town Hall for parents to informally connect and find solutions together. These are optional gatherings online.
When: Wednesday, Sept. 30th starting at 6pm Where: Online, use this Zoom link — https://seattleschools.zoom.us/j/87494782210?pwd=R01zZkJ3TllGbFluTTBnMEt1bHB5dz09 Hey QAE Familes — We have less than two weeks until our annual Jog-A-Thon, our only student-led fundraiser. We're all still settling into this very different year and that extends to the Jog-A-Thon. But we wanted to encourage you to find out more about the QAE Jog-A-Thon and sign up for a Pledgestar account. The link and instructions are provided on our website. It's a snap — you'll have it ready in 5 minutes and can easily share with family and friends. Once you’ve set up your Pledgestar account then check in with your student and come up with a plan for their personal Jog-A-Thon set to take place on October 2nd. How will we have a Jog-A-Thon when we're not together?
We encourage you to talk to your kiddos about creative ways to get them moving in these times. Maybe it's counting the number of times they can run down the block. Or make an obstacle course. Walk or run a short loop several times or a long loop a few times in your neighborhood and record the distance. Make a fun playlist and have a dance party. We just want everyone to have fun! And of course, raise funds to support QAE! Thanks to all you parents for your support and patience during the "Strong Start" week. Monday morning signals the start of the "regular" learning schedule for QAE that will include time with specialists. If you haven't received your kiddo's daily schedule yet, please write your teacher ASAP.
Still to come — supply pick-up for 3rd-5th graders. If you're still in need of supplies or haven't been able to pick up a district device, please contact Principal Roy at [email protected] We're in this together! The PTSA will be working with the classroom coordinators to send out class rosters out this week so parents can communicate with each other during this start to the school year. If you haven't yet, please take a few moments to fill out the QAE Back-to-School form where you can fill out your directory info and preferences, pay your supply fees and more.
Thanks to the 160 QAE families who have filled it out already! If you haven't yet, please fill out the form now. Look for more details on the class rosters soon! Blast Off! It's a Jog-A-Thon Time on Friday, October 2nd!
Like many of our beloved QAE activities, the Jog -A-Thon will look very different this year but we know it will be just as fun. The primary goal of the Jog-A-Thon is to get all QAE students moving! More details to come on the many ways to get moving and on how to register your student will be available soon on the Jog-A-Thon site. To facilitate all students having access to the equipment needed to be successful at remote learning, the district wants to sure that all students have a device and hotspot. Separately, QAE will distribute common school supplies and workbooks (thanks for paying the $65 supply fee that's part of the Back-to-School form. And if you haven't yet, please fill it out!).
More info about supply distribution will be available soon, but device pick-up starts tomorrow. Here's the details. Preparation
Pick-Up Process Families drive through QAE Staff Parking Lot (South end of QAE off Newton between Bigelow and 4th Ave N. Enter on Newton/Bigelow end and drive West to exit Newton/4th end).
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E-News Sign-UpThe Rocket Reader newsletter is sent weekly by the PTSA. Categories
June 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |