QAE Families of Color is very excited to welcome Christina Chang, of Christina Chang Equity Consulting, to QAE for a facilitated discussion entitled "Race and You: Talking About What We Don't Want to Talk About."
When: Thursday, January 30, 6-7:30 pm Where: QAE Chillzone / Cafeteria Cost: Free to all We know that it's important to talk openly with our kiddos about race - ours, theirs, and others. For many, it's a parenting and personal challenge that we just don't like to address. Please join us for an evening of thoughtful discussion about what makes it so hard, how can we overcome the discomfort, and ways we can start the conversations. Open to all parents, caregivers, teachers, staff. Don't miss this important community education event! Childcare will be available at the event! Reserve your spot here: For more information, please reach out to Kay Dumlao Doherty at [email protected] Our annual celebration of the season returns! All QAE families are welcome to our Winter Celebration on December 5th. This celebration has become a QAE family favorite as it is a time when we can all come together and proudly share our family traditions to welcome Winter. We invite families to share a favorite dish or a tradition - song, dance, poem, story, or craft. The success of this event is definitely dependent on all families and students participation! Join us for an evening of fun, food, family, and friendship!
When: Thursday, Dec. 5th, 2019, 5:45-7:30pm Where: QAE Cafeteria and Chill Zone We need your help to make these celebrations a success! To sign up for food, traditions, or just to help set up and clean-up see links below! Our annual celebration of the season returns! All QAE families are welcome to our Winter Celebration on December 5th. This celebration has become a QAE family favorite as it is a time when we can all come together and proudly share our family traditions to welcome Winter. We invite families to share a favorite dish or a tradition - song, dance, poem, story, or craft. The success of this event is definitely dependent on all families and students participation! Join us for an evening of fun, food, family, and friendship!
When: Thursday, Dec. 5th, 2019, 5:45-7:30pm Where: QAE Cafeteria and Chill Zone We need your help to make these celebrations a success! To sign up for food, traditions, or just to help set up and clean-up see links below! All QAE families are invited to join us for the Families of Color meeting on Thursday, October 24 from 6-7:30pm in the QAE Chill Room (next to the cafeteria). Please join us in welcoming new families to QAE, a discussion on what cultural competency look like at QAE, and planning events for the year.
Also, we’re looking for volunteers who are interested in supporting the group in other ways - Do you like making posters? We need you! Can you drop off flyers? Let us know! Can you help coordinate community meetings? Have other ideas on programming? Please come! We welcome and need all perspectives. More info on games club will follow. Questions? Please contact Kay Dumlao Doherty at [email protected]. See you on Thursday! Spring in Seattle is here and so is QAE Culture Night! We're so thrilled to come together to share food, music, dance, and fun! Over the years, this event has become one that families look forward to being able to gather and celebrate one another, celebrate the diversity of QAE, and the diverse communities of Seattle.
When: Friday, June 7th, 6-8pm Where: QAE at John Marshall, Cafeteria We’re so excited that the Students of Color group, comprised of 4th and 5th graders, will be playing an integral role in leading this event with help in marketing to other classes and signs around school. We also have a special something planned from them for the night of the event! Also, we've confirmed that the Filipino Youth Activities (FYA) Drill Team will be performing! Established in 1959, (and celebrating its 60th year!) the FYA Drill Team was created to enhance the Filipino American Culture, to instill discipline, respect, hard work, responsibility, accountability and core Filipino family values. In addition to private performances, the FYA Drill Team can be seen at APIA Heritage Festival (Seattle Center) Pagidiriwang Philippine Festival (Seattle Center), Pista Sa Nayon (Seafair), and in parades and festivals all over Washington state, including the Torchlight Parade this summer! As always, the success of this event is only based on participation! All families are welcome! Below are some links on how you can participate. Do you have a favorite dish? Please feel free to bring it! Does your family have cultural traditions or talents you or your family would like to share? Sign up here! Or do you want to help set-up or clean up? Team work makes the dream work!! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Kay Dumlao at [email protected]. See you on June 7th! The annual tradition returns! All QAE families are welcome to our Winter Celebration on Friday, November 30, 2018. Have a family favorite holiday dish? Please share it! Have a special holiday song, decoration, tradition? We’d love to hear about it! Join us for an evening of fun, food, family, and friendship!
When: Friday, Nov. 30, 6:30-8:30pm Where: Franz Coe Elementary Cafeteria, 2424 7th Ave. W. in QA We need your help to make these celebrations a success! To sign up for food, traditions, or just to help set up and clean-up see links below! QAE Families of Color first community education event will be on Tuesday, November 27 from 6-8 pm in partnership with John Hay Elementary. It will be held in the John Hay cafeteria and all are welcome!
We have confirmed Richard Kim from Cultures Connecting as the facilitator for a discussion on "Resilience and Race: Parenting Children in a Biased Culture." Reserve a spot in Games Club for your child during the event. Sign up for Games Club here. For more information on Families of Color, see the FOC page. ![]() Amy HyunAh Park and Adana Protonentis will be hosting a community education workshop on racism and equity. We hope to see you then! Join us from 6-8pm in the Library! ![]() Thursday, December 14th, 6-8pm at QAE The first QAE "Festival of Lights" Winter Cultural Celebration, hosted by QAE Families of Color, will take place on Thurs. Dec. 14th from 6-8pm in the QAE Cafeteria. It will be a wonderful chance to share in light and love, good food, warm drinks, crafts, friendship, and family. It is the QAE FOC planning teams intention to have foods and traditions shared from the beautiful cultures of our QAE families and we need your help to bring this gathering to life. Click the link to the sign-up genius and sign-up to share food, dessert, event help, and/or share a performance of a poem, song, dance, story, etc... Thank you, the planning team knows the holiday season is a busy time and we truly appreciate your consideration for volunteering for this event! The next QAE Families of Color meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 24th from 6-7:30pm at the school library.
We are excited to have our own Michele Christensen share info about her experiences on the Seattle Public Schools Ethnic Studies Task Force. Topics will include:
We'll also have a discussion on the history of racial discrimination in housing in Seattle. We'll learn about racial restrictive covenants and how this is reflected in our neighborhoods today. We're excited to have Games Club for kiddos during the meeting. To sign up for Games Club, please go to this link! Families of Color is an exclusive group -- all members of the QAE community are welcome to attend! Any questions, please contact Kay Dumlao at [email protected]. See you there! Everyone is invited to the QAE Culture Night on June 16th at 6pm. Join us in celebrating diversity at QAE with food, entertainment, friendship and community!
We have Kouyate Arts who will be providing an interactive West African Drums demonstration and Silvio dos Reis whose group will be performing Brazilian Capoeira! Bring a dish to share. For questions, write to Victoira Spearman Nunes at [email protected] or Kay Dumlao at [email protected]. For more information, see the QAE Families of Color page. ![]() QAE Families of Color's is excited to welcome Jesse Hagopian as the speaker for the next meeting on Wed. April 19th at 6 p.m. Jesse Hagopian teaches history and is the co-adviser to the Black Student Union at Garfield High School. He'll be speaking about his work on Ethnic studies and equity in schools. Get more details on the FOC page... The meeting is open to all! Looking forward to hearing from Jesse and talking about how we can support this at QAE. Please join QAE's Families of Color group on Tuesday, Feb. 7th, 6-8 p.m. at the school library. Our theme for the meeting is "Education is Revolutionary" and will have our Legislative Reps Ian Stewart and Christa Winquist presenting on what is happening now and what this all means for QAE, students of color, and other topics.
We will also have Michele Christensen giving us tools on how to absorb all that is coming at us politically and what we can do to support ourselves and push forward. Everyone is welcome. Hope to see you then! See the Families of Color page for more details... All are welcome at Tuesday's parent education event on "Creating Community while Navigating Identity Politics." The talk will be facilitated by Amy Pak and Marquita Prinzing from Families of Color Seattle (FOCS). The event will take place from 6-8:30 pm at the QAE Library.
The first meeting of the Families of Color group is taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 20th at from 6-8pm in the QAE Library.
What's Families of Color? A group of parents, children, caregivers, and educators who are dedicated and passionate about creating a culturally competent community. During this first meeting, we'll meet new families, talk about plans for this year and other opportunities. We hope to see you there - all are welcome! See the Families of Color page for more details. |
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |