That's right, QAE! Our Board has risen to the fundraising challenge of the decade with our mighty hearts, and we'd like to thank you for ALL of your support! We couldn't do it without you. We're halfway to our $100,000 goal and have not yet reached our goal of 100% community participation. We're asking YOU, dear community, to take us home! We know you want to keep our school special today and in the future. In great effort to reach our fundraising goals, here is what we're doing:
Funds raised this year directly impact QAE, enabling several important staff positions that make a large positive impact on our kids every day. Let's keep going QAE! It's for our kids today and tomorrow.
Here we go! The QAE 2022 virtual silent auction is opening Monday morning! Every dollar raised helps support the much needed resources for our kids. Need some entertainment? We have tickets to The Moisture Festival. Thinking about kids camps? How about ultimate frisbee or art? Feeling like you want something simple and unique? What about a your teacher's favorite children's book with a special note inside? Get some self care, find a family project and indulge yourself as well! Check out all of the offerings starting Monday! Don't forget to share it with your friends and family who'd like to support our school while getting some great items, services or experiences. Or submit a video of what you and your kiddo appreciate about QAE. Auction night dinner? We got you!Enjoy dinner at home on live auction night! All dinner options are listed in the virtual silent auction items. Thanks to our procurement team we now have TWO of our fantastic local Queen Anne restaurants to choose from; Eden Hill, for pick up only at Big Max Burger AND Queen Anne Beer Hall, for pick up only that evening. How does "..honey glazed..", "smoky blue cheese..." or "...white chocolate popcorn.." sound? Maybe you're in the mood for "Smashburgers,"'s a pretzel and wings kind of night. What ever your taste buds are craving, we think we got you covered....meals and bevies for all ages. BUYING FOR EDEN HILL ENDS ON MARCH 22ND @ 2 P.M. BUYING FOR QUEEN ANNE BEER HALL ENDS ON MARCH 24TH @ 2 P.M. Whatever your style we hope you'll be virtually joining us for an hour of fun heart-felt community building, a little entertainment, and of course, fundraising for our one and only QAE. Up to 50% of dinner costs go back to our school! Way to go 4th and 5th grade Explorers!Congrats to the RAD READERS who are on their way to the Global Reading Challenge Finals! They're the first QAE team in history to make it this far. According to our brilliant 4th grade teacher, Ms. Goldman, QAE's team got all 21 questions correct, which took them into the "nail-biting" tie-breaker round against Catherine Blaine's very talented WEIRD READERS. After six extremely challenging questions, our team came out on top! Go Explorers!! How to talk to your kids about masksCommunity at QAE is at the heart of the PTSA's work. One of our five pillars is "We are concerned, confident and compassionate citizens of the world." We're a school that embraces advocacy and acting from our hearts, supporting choices, finding empathy, thinking critically and practicing compassion in our community. The PTSA is supportive of community members that have heightened risks within their personal situation. Part of the PTSA's role is to take into consideration voices from across QAE, which include teachers, staff, parents and students. While it's completely understandable that families are going to make individual decisions based on what is right for them, we ask that part of that decision making process include a consideration for the broader community that is potentially impacted. We want to acknowledge that the lifted mask requirement in classrooms, that was announced from Seattle Public School District on Monday, was news that presented another significant change, similarly to how we felt coming back to school in the Fall. We encourage an open dialogue with your children to foster empathy and understanding when they encounter children and adults who have made different decisions. Here is an article that you may find helpful and a SPS resource; Helping Kids Adjust to Changing Covid-19 Guidelines. Use your voice to support our teachersAs it seems, a continuous flow of changes, on a handful of levels, are being presented to our community, on what feels like almost a daily basis. It's hard to know where to put our energy sometimes. Again, as your PTSA, advocating for community is a priority. Feeling safe and supported is important for everyone. It's frustrating to hear about the unjust treatment of our teachers across the district and at our school who are not receiving district support. Teachers who have immunocompromised family at home or young children who cannot get vaccinated yet are faced with the choice of taking unpaid leave or compromising their families health. This is concerning in may ways, and because it goes against the memorandum of understanding between The Seattle Education Association and the school district, a trust has been broken. In support of our amazingly hard working, student dedicated and true heroes/heroines...our teachers, their health and the health of their families, we're encouraging all community members to write to our school board district representative, Vivian Song.
Feel free to contact our Legislative Director, Jackson Bennett, with questions. In partnership and community, Your 2022 PTSA Board. Our 4th graders are here to help you eliminate those mad-dash runs to the store for birthday, greeting or get-well-soon cards! Snag one or more of 5 box options filled with cards for all your caring communication needs. Each box contains 30 cards, each individually wrapped and beautifully embellished, with its own decorative envelope. And at $30 a box, a buck a card is something to write home about - or hey, send a card!
A portion of the proceeds will go to support our IslandWood fundraising efforts. 4th grade families, look for order forms in Tuesdays, orange folders. Feel free to collect orders from friends and family. QAE community, see cards and order online: ORDERS ARE DUE MARCH 9TH (to arrive late March) For questions, contact: Melanthia Peterman 206-931-3918 / [email protected] It's almost time for the Jog-A-Thon! We're going strong but need your help hitting our goal of $40,000. Head to the PledgeStar site to make your personalized donation message for your kid which is so easy to share! We'd love to have 100% participation and check out the leaderboard to see how your class is doing. So much of what we love about our school and school community is supported by PTSA resources and funds raised through the Jog-A-Thon. Did you know the PTSA has been behind the funding of so much good stuff?
#1: TEACHERS - Supporting teachers to get their National Board Certification (by subsidizing their testing) - Training for all new staff and annual refresher courses for the entire staff in Positive Discipline - Project Based Learning professional development - Support for training including skill sets such as working with gender diversity, cultural competence, and mindfulness in the classroom #2: CLASSROOM & ACADEMIC SUPPORT - Kindergarten aide for each class - Resource room tutors - Dedicated reading specialists #3: COMMUNITY - Family Games Night - First Day Welcome Coffee - Back to School Night - Talent Show - Summer Playdates #4: CURRICULUM & CLASSROOMS - Zones of Regulation (Social Emotional Learning Curriculum) - Positive discipline tools - Support with class parties - Snack (and other) supplies for teachers - Calm Body Spots and materials to support self-regulation #5: EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS - Book-It Theatre plays at the school - Author visits - Whale Watching field trip scholarships - IslandWood expedition in 5th Grade Thanks for supporting the Jog-A-Thon and QAE! We hope to see you at the school on Friday! I know you’re busy. And I value your time so I’m going to get straight to the point.
Today is the launch of the QAE Fund Drive. I’m asking you to please make a gift that will directly support 100% of the students at QAE. You know as well as I do that school funding does not cover everything we want for our children. So people like you and me band together to help QAE provide an incredible learning and growing experience for our children. Here’s what your gift to the QAE Fund Drive will make possible for the students this year:
Your gift does these things and so much more! To make all this and everything else possible for the kids of QAE, the PTSA has committed to spend $912 for each child this year. This fund drive is a massive part of raising that money. And let me be clear. These things will not happen unless we raise the money. The parents of QAE children – you and me – need to come together if we want these benefits for our students—and all the students at the school. It’s your generosity that provides these incredible gifts to your children – and to every child at QAE. Please click this link and give a gift to the Fund Drive today. Today is the very first day, and starting the campaign with a bang is so important. There’s no time to waste! I’m sure you’ll agree, even though we’re in a different building this year, our amazing QAE spirit is stronger than ever – in Monday Morning Meetings, in our Project-Based Learning, in the dedication our entire community shows and in so many other ways. Need even more inspiration to donate? Take a peek at our Five Pillars of Queen Anne video. Every single student benefits when you support this community. But I need to hear from you by December 14th! Thank you, Ian Stewart QAE PTSA President P.S. Thank you in advance for supporting the students this year. By starting the fund drive strong, we’ll go into 2019 on solid financial footing. UPDATE (May 2019) - QAE Wine and 4th Grade art is still available for purchase! You can order and pick up at our June 2nd Rooftop Brewing event! How's this for a win-win? Enjoy a selection of high-quality local wines from Northwest Cellars, with labels created by the QAE community! All proceeds will support our 4th graders' trip to IslandWood. These bottles make excellent gifts -- perfect for a wine-loving grandparent, neighbor, or just to share at your home. If you're a 4th grade parent, you can also order a framed version of your child's art! Place your wine and framed art order here... You'll can choose from four varieties of wine and get them customized by choosing between two different QAE labels. Or if you have a 4th grader is Mr. Liner or Ms. Colando's classes, you can get your own child's design! Each child has created their Islandwood inspired label, custom-printed on any bottle of your choosing. A perfect gift! Wine Choices Each of these high-quality varieties are sure to please any connoisseur:
Label Designs QAE rocket ship bottle: Design by Kate Ramsey, QAE parent of 2nd grader Phoebe. This design is back from last year by popular demand! Great gift for teachers, family, etc. IslandWood commemorative bottle: Nature-inspired design by 4th grade students Rachel McLean (Mr. Liner’s class) and Stewart Moskal (Ms. Colando's class) This gorgeous colorful leaf label will make a festive addition to your wine cellar or dining room table. Your Own Child's design: Available for current 4th grade students in Mr. Liner and Ms. Colando’s classes only. Child Artist mix and match cases: You can also purchase 6 or 12 bottles and get a variety of art by 4th Graders. Just specify that you want a variety when placing your order! Get Your 4th Grader's Art Framed! If you're a parent of a 4th Grader, you can also order a framed version of your child's art. Just $20! Receiving Your Wine or Framed Art All wine and framed art will be available for pickup locally in Queen Anne or near school starting in December. Contact Jenny Feldman-LaRocque for any questions ([email protected]). Jenny will contact those people who order when pick-up is ready. Get Your QAE Wine & 4th Grade Framed Art Place your order online using our order form here. You'll be able to pay with any major credit card. If you want to receive your wine prior to the Christmas holiday, please order by Sunday, Dec. 9th. Here's some photos fo 4th Graders working on their art! Our second brews fundraiser of the season will take place on Saturday, Nov. 10th between 12-4pm at Burke Gilman Brewery (3626 NE 45th St #102). One dollar of each beer sold will be donated to QAE for the fourth grade trip to IslandWood. We’ll also be collecting donations to put together care packages for the homeless. We’ll have the new QAE growlers available for sale as well.
The QAE Jog-A-Thon is on Thursday! So much of what we love about our school and school community is supported by PTSA resources and funds raised through the Jog-A-Thon. Did you know the PTSA has been behind the funding of so much good stuff? See some of the great things below. And if you've already registered to support our online donation system in PledgeStar thank you! Please consider sending a few additional emails this week. If you have yet to do so, just log on to and register - it's really easy and will take less than 10 minutes of your time. MISSION #1: TEACHERS
As families have seen on various outlets, including the email sent today by Janine – SPS enrollment was low and many schools are being impacted in losing teachers and reorganizing classes. QAE is one of the many schools being impacted. We would have had to say good-bye to Ms. Bonnie as our newest 2nd grade teacher and it would have impacted all of our classrooms through a reconfiguration of 2nd grade (would have need to created many split grades that would have had a cascading effect from K to 5th).
The impact to our student community seemed too great. The PTSA started exploring options with school staff. The team dived into all options ranging from doing nothing to revising the entire PTSA budget to do something. It is with great gratitude to Bonnie, Megan and Helene for volunteering a creative solution of job sharing and personal sacrifice that allowed us to arrive at today’s solution. We are impacting the least amount of students, a class gets to have 2 great teachers, we lose no teachers from our QAE family and PTSA helps bridge a gap to continue to support our students. But this action is also met with the knowledge that many other schools are in a worse situation. Schools do not always have the resources or ability to have so many pieces come together. During the fundraising season, the PTSA may come to you with asks fo money but today we are asking for your time: please lend your voice to the other schools in our community that need our help. This is absolutely unacceptable and we need our collective voices to be heard on how this impacts our communities. Please consider editing and sending a version of the note below and spreading the word to all of your friends within SPS to write them. Any letters can be sent to [email protected]. We need to galvanize and flood them with letters to show them how displeased we are. See the SPS summary of the staffing adjustment as well as their FAQ about the process. Another way to advocate is to attend one of the upcoming Superintendent listening tours. The closest to our area is Ballard High School on October 4th. ------ Sample Letter to Send to the SPS Board This is just an example, please write your own or edit as you see fit. Note the underlined sections that should definitely be edited. To: [email protected] Subject: Unacceptable displacement of teaching staff Dear Superintendent, School Board and senior SPS staff, I am parent of two SPS students - a second and fourth grader at Queen Anne Elementary. I am incredibly frustrated to see that SPS is displacing staff from approximately twenty different schools and majorly disrupting the lives of teachers, families and communities as a result. The impact on students at Nova and Interagency is even greater given the disproportionate impact on them. I understand that there is a correlation in number of students and revenue and with the 1.4% enrollment decrease, you need to find ways to cut cost. Is there a reduction in staff or other major cost cutting efforts happening at the JSCEE? Why are schools bearing all the reductions in revenue? This is absolutely unacceptable. Also, you are already in violation of the McCleary ruling on classroom sizes which as you know should be a maximum of 17 students for K-3 and 25 students for 4th grade and up. At my kids' schools, they have more kids in their classrooms already so combining classrooms will only put SPS further away from appropriate class sizes. You need to do better for teachers, families and communities. How will you retain top talent when teachers can easily go to neighboring districts that are more effectively managed where they can make more money? How can you shuffle kids around after school has started which is hard for all of them but especially for neuro-atypical children in our system? At work, if I were to consistently miss projections and disrupt hundreds or thousands of customers regularly, I would have been fired long ago. Please take us off this annual enrollment projection roller coaster and find ways to keep communities intact. Best, [ Your name ] The annual QAE Fund Drive is on! This is your chance to help our school and its students. If you haven't seen it yet, here's the letter Principal Roy is including in our orange folders:
--- Dear QAE family, The annual QAE Fund Drive has begun! I’m writing today to ask you to make a special gift to support QAE students. Because you know, like I do, that school funding does not cover everything we want for our children. Here’s what your gift to the Fund Drive will do . . . Your gift will help fund three of the key specialists that make QAE such an incredible place for your child:
Additionally, you’ll help fund the Social Emotional Learning and Project Based Learning curriculum. On the back page of this letter I’ve included a list of all of the things your gift helps fund. It’s a long list. I need to be clear. QAE does not receive funding for the three positions above. Unless you and the PTSA raise the money, these positions will not be filled. So each year, an incredible group of people band together to help QAE provide a fantastic learning and growing experience for our children. The PTSA organizes the fund drive. As Principal, I do everything I can to support them – and you. Because it’s your generosity that makes these incredible things possible for the students. It’s your generosity that provides for the people and programs that set our school – and your kids – apart. Please send a gift, by December 15th, using the enclosed reply card or by going to: Very appreciatively, Janine Roy Principal, QAE QAE 4th graders are teaming up with Seattle Seed Co. and YOU to raise money for their IslandWood Experience! All proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards supporting our students in this educational outdoor adventure that takes place at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island. 50% of profits from every sale goes towards our students. Shop online here: Use the custom gift code to ensure the money goes back to 4th graders: QAEIWOOD2017 Simply enter the code at checkout!
Thank you for helping our 4th graders with their IslandWood experience! Read more on the QAE IslandWood page... The fabulous staff at Via Tribunali Queen Anne will be giving out cards good for a free pizza with a small donation to the current 4th grade class trip to Islandwood next year. Suggested donation is $20. Cards will be available all evening (5-11 p.m.) and no purchase is necessary - people are welcome to just come by with a donation and get a free pizza card, but of course we hope it's a QAE community event where we see lots of families dine there! Via Tribunali is located at 317 W. Galer St. For more information, please contact Robin Mohr at [email protected]. Support our students, skip having to cook at home and enjoy food that the kids (and adults) will love. Win - win - win! The 4th Grade is raising funds towards Islandwood 2017 with a special restaurant night (and day) at Thackeray in Fremont. Just mention "Queen Anne Elementary" when you order and 10% of the proceeds will be donated. It’s available all day long: brunch or dinner, as well as take-out. See the Thackeray site for their menu and hours. Hope to see you and your family enjoying food and supporting QAE on Sunday, Feb. 26th!
As we head into break, we first wanted to say thanks to the families that have taken the time to commit to our QAE community during the Explorer Fund Drive.
It's been a busy and distracting last couple weeks, so we've extended the deadline. If you didn't have a chance, there's still time to contribute to the Explorer Fund Drive! We kicked off this Fund Drive with hope and inspiration of how we say Yes. Here's just some of the many things the PTSA able to say YES to with your support:
As we begin this Thanksgiving break, you can help us continue to say Yes and support the amazing staff and students of QAE! Donate Now to the Explorer Fund Drive Enjoy your holidays and thank you for your support, The Queen Elementary PTSA |
Welcome to the Rocket Reader blog! The PTSA's collection of news & information relevant to QAE Families. This is also shared weekly in the Rocket Reader e-newsletter. Use the form below to sign up!
E-News Sign-UpThe Rocket Reader newsletter is sent weekly by the PTSA. Categories
October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |