Come join the 3/4 graders from room 307 as they present the musical play, Munchkin Mediation: Conflict Resolution in Oz Thursday, April 5th at 2:30 and 7:00 pm at the school cafe. This play is the culminating event from a three month focus on Conflict Resolution with the CharacterWorks program led by instructor Beaven Walters. This program was made possible by the QAE Parent Association as part of the Social and Emotional Learning curriculum. Here is a synopsis of the play:
Munchkin Mediation: Conflict Resolution in Oz- It’s one year later and all the famous characters have returned to Oz. They’ve been having trouble readjusting, and their quarrels have lead to the throwing of more than one yellow brick. Perhaps it’s no surprise that the Good Witch and Wicked Witch still don’t get along. The Tin Man and Lion can’t agree on anything either and even Dorothy and Toto are barking at each other. They’ve come back to the Munchkins, experts on conflict resolution, to learn how to solve their problems. With the usual memorable tunes and silly humor, Munchkin Mediation introduces and reinforces strategies for controlling anger, using “I-statements,” active listening, sharing perspectives, and finding win-win solutions to conflict. IPad Lego Animation Class Starts Next Week!
The IPad 2 Lego Animation Class starts this coming Wednesday, April 4th. There are still spots available. Please turn in your registration form and payment by Friday March 30th. See the Before/After School webpage for more information about the class. (from David Elliott's blog)
An agreement between the Seattle Education Association (SEA)—the teacher’s union—and Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has provided us with a unique opportunity to shape our school in ways that were not possible previously. The Creative Approach Schools (CAS) agreement will go into effect in school year 2013-2014 and will give schools the ability to waive School Board policies or SEA contractual agreements that will provide much more autonomy regarding curriculum, assessment, school hours, hiring and budget practices. I have mentioned this proposed agreement several times at PTA Board meetings and other QAE events and it has finally come to fruition. As with any change there are plenty of questions, regulations and timelines that we will need be on top of and with that in mind Amy Janas, the parent representative on our QAE Building Leadership Team (BLT), has prepared a website that will provide more background, links to pertinent documents, dates for informational meetings and some opinion pieces already published. What would change be without a boatload of Seattleites sharing their opinions? One of the most critical factors that both SPS and SEA will be considering when proposals are submitted is the amount and authenticity of community involvement. This is not a QAE staff discussion; this is a QAE community discussion so the time to get informed and involved is now. The most pertinent dates and links are below: Our own CAS website is here. The first SPS sponsored informational meeting is Tuesday, April 3rd at: John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence (JSCEE) 2445 Third Ave South Seattle, WA 98134 4:00—5:00PM The first QAE sponsored informational meeting is Wednesday, April 4th at: QAE Cafeteria 2:30—3:30PM Please let David Elliott know if you would like to attend either event - [email protected] In conjunction with the upcoming Young Authors' Day event, Queen Anne Elementary is holding a BOOK DRIVE, April 2nd - April 18th.
The collected books will be given to the local organization Treehouse, which offers a multitude of foster care services to the children in King County. They provide care to all ages, and have expressed that any level of book would be welcome! Each classroom will have their own collection boxes which will be available for the next two weeks. The classroom that collects the most donations will have the opportunity to eat lunch with next month's visiting author Derek Munson, of Enemy Pie. Please help support this wonderful opportunity for "kids helping kids", and donate your gently used and/or new books to the QAE Book Drive! If you donated money at our amazing auction and have corporate matching available to you, we urge you to please, get your donation matched! FYI the address that comes up is in Tacoma- all matching for PTSAs in the state go through the one address, but the funds will still get to us.
Once you finish the processing, kindly let Yazmin Mehdi know so that she can track the match. [email protected] From yesterday's news- (correction): The Sipping and shopping in style party is May 31, not May 3. Oops! Thanks to all who attended Friday night's PTSA auction. We raised $111,000 (vs. a goal of $70,000) at a super fun event on Friday night! Thanks also to all who helped organize the event - the donors, the bakers, the class a rt coordinators, those that procured items, those that helped set up, the bankers, the copywriters, the communications team, the music producer,the photographer and printer, the slide show producers, those that worked the night of the auction (recording, running, selling raffle tickets, A/V, check in, check out, closers). For those who were unable to attend or meant to but didn't quite get around to it, you can still purchase a 8x10" black and white portrait of your child ($25) or sign up for one of the fabulous buy-in parties: 1) June 8 family outdoor movie night -$45 for the family 2) May 5 Spanish Wine and tapas night - $35 per person 3) May 31 Sipping and shopping in style - $45 per person 4) Sept 5 First day of school Champagne brunch - $30 per person 5) June 9 All night long in the library - $100 per 2nd grader and above Purchase your child's photo OR sign up for one of the above parties here. Thanks for all your support! Natalie Carlson and Holley Ring, Fundraising Co-chairs OLYMPIA, Wash. – Do you need individual health insurance coverage for your child or would you like to add them to your family plan? The first open enrollment of the year is open through April 30.
“I urge people looking for coverage for their kids to apply early,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “If you wait, your coverage could be delayed until May. If you experience difficulty or have questions, call our Insurance Consumer Hotline at 1-800-562-6900.” The open enrollment periods apply to all health plans in the individual market. People buying coverage on their own don’t have access to employer-sponsored health plans or their employer doesn’t cover dependents. Federal health reform prevents health insurers from denying coverage to children with pre-existing health conditions. However, just like employer health plans, the individual plans can create open-enrollment periods. During these times, children under age 19 do not have to complete a health questionnaire and cannot be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. If you need a health plan outside of the enrollment dates, you can apply either to the Washington State Health Insurance Pool (WSHIP), or if you qualify, to the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP-WA). To enroll in PCIP-WA, you must have a pre-existing medical condition and have been uninsured for at least six months. Exceptions where you can apply for individual coverage for your kids anytime include the birth or adoption of a child or if a child:
In 2014, when the full federal health reforms take effect, no one of any age can be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition. The next open enrollment is Sept. 15-Oct. 31. Spring is here! Mark your calendars so you don't miss these exciting events that are taking place in April and May!
April 16-20: No School Spring Break April 26: Family Game Night 6pm in the QAE Cafeteria Games supplied by Blue Highway! April 27: Young Author's Day Find out details on the QAE website April 30-May 4: Garden Week Activities will include student plantings, a bee keeper coming to the school and talking to all the classes, and a "1st Thursday" art walk with food and live music. May 16: Two hour early dismissal May 17: All School Spaghetti Feed Come socialize with QAE community members! Free food and drinks provided by a grant from the Washington State PTSA May 28: No School Memorial Day June 20: Last Day of School Registration is currently underway for before/after school activities that run late March through the beginning of June. Dates vary for each activity. Please see B/A School webpage for class descriptions and registration information.
Kids Create Art – Wild About Color! Monday Afternoon, March 26th - May 21st. Register by March 21st. Clay Animation Network – IPad2 LEGO Animation Wednesday afternoons, April 4th- June 13th. Register by March 30th. One On One Basketball – After School Sports Tuesday Afternoons (K-2), April 24th – June 12th; Thursday afternoons (3-5), April 26th – June 14th. Register by April 13th. QAE Art Club – QAE Art Teacher Megan Hosch-Schmitt – Nature in Art and Open Studio, Friday Afternoons, April 27th – June 1st. Register by April 13th. Playwell TEKnologies, LEGO Club – Pre Engineering (K-1) Tuesday OR Wednesday mornings (2 classes) April 24th – June 13th, Engineering FUNdamentals (2-5) Wednesday mornings April 25th – June 14th. Register by April 13th. Learning Studio Classes – Introduction to Mathematics (K) Wednesday mornings (May 2nd – June 6th) and Investigating Mathematics Through Visual Arts & Problem Solving (3-5) Thursday afternoons (May 3rd through June 7th). Register by April 4th. _This spring KidsCreate is taking young artists on an Adventure in Color! This series will focus on learning basic color theory-- including how to mix and blend colors.You will learn to tissue-paint like Eric Carle's "Hungry Caterpillar", sculpt clay, paint, and make your own Shrinky-Dink Comic Strip! Sign up for eight weeks of fun and learning with our team of talented and experienced teaching artists. Monday afternoons, March 26th – May 21st, 3:40-4:45, 8 sessions, $106. Please register online ( and drop your payment by the school office. A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available. Please contact KidsCreate to request a scholarship. Please register by March 21st! ![]()
Mark Your Calendars!
On Thursday, April 26, from 6:30-8pm Queen Anne Elementary is having its first annual (rescheduled) Family Game Night! Come play games, generously provided by Blue Highway Games, and dessert too, provided by the PTSA. It is completely free, and promises to be a great time. Please join us, and get in the game! We are looking forward to seeing you there! The QAE PTSA P.S. If you would like to help with game night, or be part of organizing other community activities, please email the PTSA Activities Chair, Kristin Teske at: [email protected] Thank you! We hope you're able to join us at the QAE Auction at Shilshole Bay Beach Club on Friday March 23 at 6:30pm.
NOTE: Time change - Doors and bar will open at 6:30pm! Get there early and check-in with our new auction software (making check-out much faster!), mingle with others from your school community, bid on silent auction items, and purchase one of 50 "golden tickets" - a chance to win a pick of live items. Tickets are on sale until March 16! Buy yours online today, and join us for a fun evening! Reserve a spot at QAE KidsCo if you need childcare that night! More info here. Auction catalog items include: - 1 week stay at Villa La Estancia in Cabo San Lucas - 4 night stay at a lovely Sun Valley condominium - Kindergarten Climbing Party at Vertical World - pizza, games, and sleepover at Blue Highway Games with Mr. Bailey - Mazama getaway - Summer Luau Putting the Arts Back in Education
Five community meetings in March Seattle Public Schools is partnering with the Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs and community arts organizations to create a comprehensive arts plan focused on increasing quality arts education access for all K-12 students. The work is made possible with a planning grant from The Wallace Foundation. You can attend one of five community meetings to help shape the arts plan. Parents, students, teachers, artists, arts administrators and supporters of an equitable and well-rounded education for all are invited. North Meeting Tuesday, March 13 6:30-8:30 p.m. Ballard High School 1418 N.W. 65th St. Central Meeting Saturday, March 17 1-3 p.m. Garfield High School 400 23rd Av. Southeast Meeting Monday, March 19 6:30-8:30 p.m. South Shore K-8 4800 S. Henderson St. Translators for Spanish, Somali, Chinese, Vietnamese and Tagalog will be present. Southwest Meeting Thursday, March 29 6:30-8:30 p.m. Chief Sealth International High School 2600 S.W. Thistle St. Translators for Spanish, Somali and Vietnamese will be present. Youth Meeting* Saturday, March 31 1-3 p.m. Meany Building (location of Nova High School and Seattle World School) 301 21st Ave. E. For more information, visit Seattle Public Schools - The Arts You can also take the online survey. There's still room available for auction night child care, but be sure to sign up by Friday, March 16. Details below.
Auction Night - Child Care Available provided by KidsCo at QAE Friday, March 23rd ■ 6:30-11 pm Ages 4-12 (children must be toilet-trained) COST: $35 one child ■ $45 for two ■ $55 for three This includes dinner, snacks and lots of fun! Make checks payable to: Queen Anne PTSA. You must reserve your spot by calling Kids Co. at 206-216-2250. Space is limited – first come, first served! If you've yet to buy your auction tickets, don't wait any longer - there's only one week left for ticket sales!
Go to and get those tickets now :) |
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |