If you donated money at our amazing auction and have corporate matching available to you, we urge you to please, get your donation matched! FYI the address that comes up is in Tacoma- all matching for PTSAs in the state go through the one address, but the funds will still get to us.
Once you finish the processing, kindly let Yazmin Mehdi know so that she can track the match. [email protected] From yesterday's news- (correction): The Sipping and shopping in style party is May 31, not May 3. Oops! Thanks to all who attended Friday night's PTSA auction. We raised $111,000 (vs. a goal of $70,000) at a super fun event on Friday night! Thanks also to all who helped organize the event - the donors, the bakers, the class a rt coordinators, those that procured items, those that helped set up, the bankers, the copywriters, the communications team, the music producer,the photographer and printer, the slide show producers, those that worked the night of the auction (recording, running, selling raffle tickets, A/V, check in, check out, closers). For those who were unable to attend or meant to but didn't quite get around to it, you can still purchase a 8x10" black and white portrait of your child ($25) or sign up for one of the fabulous buy-in parties: 1) June 8 family outdoor movie night -$45 for the family 2) May 5 Spanish Wine and tapas night - $35 per person 3) May 31 Sipping and shopping in style - $45 per person 4) Sept 5 First day of school Champagne brunch - $30 per person 5) June 9 All night long in the library - $100 per 2nd grader and above Purchase your child's photo OR sign up for one of the above parties here. Thanks for all your support! Natalie Carlson and Holley Ring, Fundraising Co-chairs Comments are closed.
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June 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |