School ends at 1:30 this Wednesday, Feb. 1.
_January's produce item is ..... KALE! This winter vegetable is being sponsored by Queen Anne Elementary's First Graders. To celebrate KALE as our sponsored produce, the first graders will make a Presentation at next week's January 30 Monday Morning Meeting. In addition, they will be presenting KALE Chips as a snack to supplement school lunches next Friday, February 3. (You may be surprised by the number of kids who go for this item!)
During the week, your student will bring home a handout that we encourage you to complete with them, including: interview questions about KALE and solicitation of a KALE-based (or other winter green) recipe for our QAE Family Cookbook. The handout will also ask parents to sign off if their child sampled KALE in any form during the week. The class to return the most handouts will get a smoothie party! The last QAE class to win this contest was Ms. Meck's first graders, who enjoyed Pumpkin Smoothies as their prize. We hope that you'll join us at next week's Monday Morning Meeting to celebrate KALE (and our first grade classes). Please feel free to contact Elizabeth Kruse ([email protected]) if you'd like to help out with the QAE Cafe in any way-- we can use volunteers. _Online purchasing for auction tickets will be available soon. _Download an auction procurement form HERE.
_Let us help our neighbors this winter by donating new or gently-worn sweaters, coats and cold-weather gear to KCTS 9's annual "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Sweater Drive." Our drive will run from Jan 25th to Feb. 12. All donated items will go to Wellspring Family Services and Northwest Center.
Fred Rogers began the sweater drive and inspired its spirit of generosity and neighborliness for six years before he passed away in 2003. KCTS 9 and PCC continue the program in his memory. Last year's drive collected more than 6,000 sweaters and coats for families in need throughout the Puget Sound area. Just drop your coats or sweaters in the marked box outside the main office (brick building) starting on the morning of January 25th (That's TODAY!!) Thank you to all, and let keep kids warm this winter!!! Seattle Public Schools has decided to open schools this Friday as a snow make-up day. Please note that school is OPEN this Friday, on a normal schedule.
Will be rescheduled, date TBD
_You are invited to attend the WA State PTA Forum on Public Charter Schools hosted by Region 6 PTA. The event includes a review of the PTA Charter Issue that was passed this fall, National PTA policies on charter schools, WA State PTA resolutions/issues that will impact any prospective bill with pro and con presentations.
The format includes pro and con presentations and questions from the audience. Presenters include: • Ramona Hattendorf: Government Relations Coordinator, Washington State PTA • Olga Addae: President, Seattle Education Association, (Teacher’s Union) Con Speaker • Beth Sigall: Lake Washington School District, PTA Member, Pro Issue Submitter • Dr. Wayne Au: Assistant Professor, Education Program, UW- Bothell, Editor, Rethinking Schools, Con Speaker • Robin Lake: Associate Director, Center for Reinventing Education, UW Bothell, Pro Speaker • Moderated by C.R. Douglas, Political Analyst, Q13 Fox News Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012, from 6:30 – 8:30pm Washington Middle School Cafeteria 2101 S. Jackson St, Seattle 98144 _Next week, on Thursday January 19th from 6:30-8pm, Queen Anne Elementary is having its first annual Family Game Night! Come play games, generously provided by Blue Highway Games, and dessert too, provided by the PTSA. It is completely free, and promises to be a great time. Please join us, and get in the game!
We are looking forward to seeing you there! P.S. If you would like to help with game night, or be part of organizing other community activities, please email the PTSA Activities Chair, Kristin Teske at: [email protected] _ The Queen Anne Elementary 2012 Blast off! Auction will be held on Friday March 23 at the Shilshole Bay Beach Club in Ballard. Doors open at 7pm. The event will be an opportunity to socialize with the parents and staff of QAE and raise money for the school. A limited number of one –in –a –lifetime experiences with teaching staff and class art projects will be auctioned off. Don’t miss out! Plan to attend! Book a sitter now!
Please contact us if you have a vacation home or special experience you’d like to donate. We also are looking for restaurant gift certificates, so if you have a favorite restaurant that you can ask, please use the attached procurement form and submit to us. Please contact Natalie Carlson ([email protected]) or Holley Ring ([email protected]) if you are willing and able to help. Details will be shared as they are finalized but you can plan on drinks and dinner. Join our team and help us finalize the details! _Dear advocates,
In a clear win for children, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that the state was violating its constitutional paramount duty to amply K-12 education. The ruling This is a historic victory, and starting today we have a new conversation. No longer are we going to petition over loss of school days or access to all-day kindergarten. Starting today, the cuts stop and funding starts. Starting today, our top priority – a basic education that prepares all kids for college and career -- is also the state’s top priority. Starting today the legislature’s job just got a lot harder. The high court’s decision validates all of the work Washington State PTA members put into the passage of ESHB 2261 in 2009 and SHB 2776 in 2010, and with our work this past year to protect all-day kindergarten, highly capable funding and an intact school year. This decision sets the stage for the next step – finding a stable, adequate source of revenue to meet the needs of schoolchildren. THE RULING Not only did the high court point out that ample funding is “considerably more than just adequate,” the court ruled the state was consistently giving districts less money than actual costs. It identified ESHB 2261 as a “promising” reform package that if fully funded would remedy deficiencies in the K-12 funding system. It reiterated that “ample funding for basic education must be accomplished by means of regular and dependable tax sources.” Finally, the court said it would stay engaged to help facilitate progress in the state’s plan to fully fund basic education by 2018. THE PLAN ESHB 2261 defines a basic education as “the opportunity for students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to meet graduation requirements, intended to allow them the opportunity to graduate with a meaningful high school diploma that prepares them for postsecondary education, gainful employment, and citizenship.” It requires the state to fund: · 180 full days, grades 1-12 · 180 half days for kindergartners, to be increased to 180 full days · 1,000 instructional hours in grades 1-12, to be increased to 1,080 hours in grades 7-12 · 450 instructional hours in kindergarten, to be increased to 1,000 hours · Opportunity for students to complete 24 credits for high school graduation · Enhanced funding for Learning Assistance Program, Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program, Highly Capable Program and special education for students with disabilities · 17 to 1 class size ratio in grades K-3 SO, STARTING TODAY, NO MORE DELAYS. We have children to educate and we have a new definition of basic education to roll out. Washington State PTA is part of Network for Excellence for Washington School (NEWS) and was party to this lawsuit. See full NEWS coverage: A monumental and historic victory. You can learn more about NEWS and its 382 member groups at - Ramona Hattendorf, Washington State PTA Government Relations Coordinator, [email protected], _Here’s a quick list of activities being offered for Winter 2012. If you have any questions, please contact Alison Payauys ([email protected]).
Introducing After School Hoops! QAE Welcomes 1on1Basketball and their After School Hoops program. After School Hoops teaches athletic fundamentals through progressive drills, engaging cardio and fun competitions and uses these fundamentals as a platform to teach life-skill lessons that reinforce positive attitudes about effort, respect, cooperation and self-control. Classes will meet Thursdays after school beginning Jan 12th. After School Hoops is open to all grade levels. Please note that the REGISTRATION DEADLINE is January 9th. You can register online at ( Lego Club: Both the K-1 PreEngineering and the 2-5 Engineering FUNdamentals will be offered for a winter session. Classes meet before school on Wednesdays beginning January 18th. Class projects will be sure to excite both new and returning students. Registration is open online at ( Kids Create: For this winter session students in Kids Create art club will create Costumes! In this workshop we will create fairy wings, crowns, magical wands, masks, and superhero capes! Classes meet after school on Mondays and start January 23. Online registration is open now ( Registration/flyers will be available soon. The Learning Studio is currently registering for Math and Writing Enrichment classes that start in January. See info on the Before-After School webpage ( Chess Club continues after school on Tuesdays. It’ll meet the first day back from break, Jan 3rd. The K-1 class is full but there are a few spots in the 2-5 class if you are interested. Contact Nan Noble ([email protected]) to sign up. Art Club by Ms. Megan: Our talented art teacher, Megan Hosch-Schmitt, will be offering an Art Club on Friday afternoons starting on January 20th. All grade levels may register but 2nd-5th is recommended. There will be two options for your child to participate in, "The Masters in the Making" and "Open Studio". More information on this club can be found on the School Art webpage ( or by contacting Ms. Megan at ([email protected])QAE Unicycle Club by Mr. Rothenberg: The Unicycle Club is open to all grade levels and will meet on Wednesday afternoons. There are two sessions - Winter (Jan 4 - Feb 15) and Spring (Feb 29 - April 11). See more info on the Health and Fitness School webpage ( or contact Mr. Rothenberg at ([email protected]). The Language Link: Give your child the opportunity to learn a world language! The Language Link classes are forming for the winter/spring session on-site at Queen Anne Elementary. Register now to secure a space! The deadline for registration is January 15th. More information about the classes offered can be found on the Before-After School webpage ( or by contacting Barbara Ford at 708-4633 ([email protected]). Drama Club: If you are interested in helping set up a drama club please contact Gladys Ly-Au Young ([email protected]). _Kids CO. needs scrap fabric or material for a sewing project they are starting next week. If you have some to donate, please drop it off at Kids Co. Thanks!
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SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |