SPS Transportation Dept has provided the following description of bus service from childcare centers. “QAE students with home addresses outside of the McClure service area will not receive an initial bussing assignment since they are not eligible. However, QAE students at childcare centers within the draw areas (in this case McClure and Hamilton areas) that are also eligible by distance (up to a mile from QAE) will also qualify for service on a feasibility basis. This means that major childcare locations like Coe, Hay, Day, Stanford schools and some others will merit bus transportation next year. Families are requested to notify the Transportation office (206-252-0900) in mid July through August which childcare bus stop is requested so that specific service can be determined.”
QAE parent and Microsoft Education Group Director Suzi LeVine was a guest on the KUOW Weekday Show last Thursday, discussing how we can equip today's students to succeed in the jobs, challenges, and opportunities of tomorrow. Listen to a recording of the show here.
Thank you to everyone who took the Before/After school survey. The results are in - you can check them out here.
Thanks to Alison Payauys and Tomoko Yamazaki for their hard work on the survey, and for their continuing work on implementing a stellar before/after school experience for QAE families. Quick summary of survey results: · 41 responses received from 30 enrolled families, 11 not enrolled · 35 enrolled students · 83% of enrolled families are interested in the Sponge Class**, Spanish 5 day or 2 day is ranked 1st choice most frequently (many children have prior language classes). · 13 enrolled families are interested in Sweet Pea class at Lincoln, 14 enrolled families are interested in Sweet Pea class at QA location, 6 of those could go either location · 45% of enrolled families need dependable before/after school childcare · Music, Gym/Sports, and Theater/Drama are the top three club interests · Out of 30 enrolled families, 22 are interested in an Activity Bus and 24 are interested in carpooling **Planning is underway to have Sponge offer an on-site, before-school Spanish language program from 8am to 9:15am. Check the website News and/or subscribe to our mailing list to get the latest info as it becomes available . Principal David Elliott and his teaching staff recently attended a workshop with education consultant, Bruce Dixon. Dixon has been a teacher, principal and even software developer. Today, he directs Ideaslab, a unique think tank focused on the use of technology in learning and teaching. See parent volunteer Suzi LeVine’s review of this exciting experience here.
Next week, David and his team will be attending the International Society for Technology in Education conference in Denver (www.iste.org). Jill Gallagher, our newly-minted Parent Volunteer Coordinator, is collecting names of those who want to be on our go-to list when help is needed. Please email Jill if you are interested at [email protected] or fill out the form in the “Get Involved” section of our website. Currently, Jill is looking for volunteers to help our teachers pack up their classrooms in the coming weeks for their move to Queen Anne Elementary’s temporary location in the old Lincoln High School. Thanks for taking on this important role, Jill!
We have formed the following committees to support and provide parent leadership for Queen Anne Elementary:
· Facilities · Technology · Education Models · Before/After School Care · Website · Parent Group/PTSA Steering Committee If you are interested in joining one of our committees, please email the design team at [email protected] describing your interests and providing your contact information, and someone will get in touch with you. Please visit the "Get Involved" section of the website for brief descriptions of the work underway. Visit the Queen Anne Farmers Market and show your support of Queen Anne Elementary this Thursday, June 24 from 3pm to 7 pm. Volunteers will be providing information to enrolled and prospective families. Look for our table! We ask Queen Anne Elementary students to please wear your green founders t-shirts at the market that day. If you are interested in helping out, please send an email to [email protected].
Thank you to Queen Anne Starbuck’s and Queen Anne Noah's Bagels for donating refreshments for our June 5 kick-off event. When you visit one of these local establishments, please thank them for their support.
Most of you know that Queen Anne Elementary will be located at Lincoln High School in Wallingford for the 2010-2011 academic year. This will allow the school district to make important renovations at the Old John Hay School, which is our permanent location.
But the first renovations to take place will be at Lincoln High School itself, and that will happen as soon as Hamilton Middle School moves out at the end of this school year. For many years, Lincoln High School has played temporary home to high schools and middle schools while their permanent buildings were renovated. Now that Lincoln will play host to two elementary schools (Queen Anne and McDonald), some significant changes are in the works. Here is what the school district reports will happen starting later this month: · lowering white boards · painting/touch-ups · new phone installation · altering the stairwell balusters and balustrades · alterations in the library · playground installation (see more below) · rooms for teachers, staff and principals · cafeteria – lowering the salad bar to kid height · classroom technology (for a technology-focused school? Of course!) · workstations for each classroom Many parents have asked about the playground. The school district has $80,000 budgeted for playground equipment. This includes two new structures that will be built atop two inches of foam and 10 inches of woodchips in the equipment zone. While most of the work will be done by the school district, there may be opportunities for parent involvement or “self-help.” Please keep an eye out here for more information regarding volunteer opportunities at Lincoln involving painting or gardening this summer. Based on the current enrollment numbers at Queen Anne and McDonald Elementary Schools, the school district will provide a “pre-pack” meal program for both breakfast and lunch. Should numbers of students increase, the school district will consider a “bulk-style meal service.” We'll keep you apprised of changes.
What is a technology-infused curriculum? For many, this is the big question whose answer will define what makes Queen Anne Elementary unique. We have a dedicated and motivated team of parents who are looking at best practices internationally, and our entire staff is involved in defining what and how to apply these to our school.
While the role of technology is still being determined, one thing that is clear: the top priority of the school is teacher quality. With that in mind, it's great to share a news story of/about our 3rd/4th/5th grade teacher, Joe Bailey-Fogarty. This project demonstrates how Joe makes learning multiple subjects at once fun. He incorporates teamwork, architecture, physics, budgeting, art, and enjoyment in this lesson. See more here. David Elliott and his new staff met with founding families and prospective students on Saturday morning in Queen Anne. The event was a huge success with over 100 attendees, brimming with energy and excitement. The Queen Anne Elementary community showed itself to be an enthusiastic group of individuals and families, eager to contribute and shape the future of the school. What an amazing opportunity for the founding families, working toward the common goal of building an exceptional public school! Check out photos from the event on the website.
Meet the Staff at Queen Anne Elementary! Queen Anne Elementary announces its staff team for the 2010-2011 school year. This remarkable team will be working with Principal David Elliott to create a unique technology-infused school. Come to the Family Meet and Greet on Saturday, June 5 at 9am at the Coe Elementary gym to meet our staff and other Queen Anne Elementary families.
Read their bios & quotes on our website. Joe Bailey-Fogarty, 3rd/4th/5th Grades Katie Cryan Leary, 1st/2nd Grade Classroom Carla Kirch, Administrative Assistant Niki Meyers, Special Education Rachel Simon, Kindergarten Jeffrey Riley, Librarian/Technology Specialist 6-9 p.m. at Mercer Middle School (dinner bar available 5:30 p.m.)
· FREE "just in time" training for presidents/vice presidents, secretaries and treasures, plus roundtables for ongoing and incoming officers and advocacy training for all members. · Times are tentative, but a dinner taco bar should be available starting at 5:30 p.m. General session will run 6-7 p.m. (Year-end report, keynote address from the state's office of the superintendent on Race to the Top and evaluation reforms). · First set of classes/roundtables 7-7:50 p.m. Second set 8-8:50 p.m. · Email [email protected] to register. |
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June 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |