"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go." Dr. Suess, Oh, The Places You Will Go! Congratulations to our 5th Grade Graduating Class! Have a wonderful journey. You will be missed! Front row from left: Owen R., Jake, Leo, Xallie, Ava, Emmett, Erika
Middle row: Olivia, Ella, Hope, Liam, Vince, Owen G., Cash, Nyah, Emma A, Sam, Taylor, Parisa, Ella J, Camilla Back row: Jackson, Joe, Isla, Caleigh, Natalia Not Pictured: Jennifer The school year begins, we smile, we cheer, we shout!
We clean up our kids with haircuts, supplies, and new bus route. This year will be grand! This year will be great! I’ll volunteer, be on time, and donate…. donate....donate. It’s all for a great cause, to set our children on the right path. We’ll dedicate hours helping with reading, writing and math. Ten months roll by, so slowly, yet so fast. We watch them grow wiser, more mature, smarter at last! We did it! Hurray! Pat yourself on the back. Parents and teachers alike, we did not slack. (well except for that one week, it was a LOOONG week) Summer is here. Its time to have fun. Vacations, relaxing, beaches and hot sun. Put the backpacks away. There are good times to remember. But don’t be too sad, for it will start all over, in September. Have a great summer! See you in the Fall! Karen & Cari QAE Communications Team Be sure to stock up on QAE Spiritwear tomorrow afternoon before heading out for the summer! A table will be set up near the garden.
Recap of the last PTSA General Membership Meeting held on June 10:
Motions and Votes 2015-16 Budget was approved PTSA Standing Rules Change was approved Board of Directors was announced Election of New Officers Power Point Presentation 2014-15 QAE PTSA Outgoing Officers & Board Members
It takes a village! If you or someone you know is interested in any open Exec, Director or Coordinator position, please email [email protected]. Thank you, QAE PTSA If your child starts Kindergarten in September, please reserve the week of August 17-21, 2015 (9 am - 12 pm) for Jump Start.
Jump Start is a half-day Kindergarten "camp" that gives children and their families a chance to learn about their new school. Jump Start is FREE. Register for Jump Start in Three Easy Steps: 1. Complete our ONLINE REGISTRATION form (you can also print and mail us the paper Jump Start Registration form) 2. Print and Complete these two forms: > Student Health Form: English, Chinese, Lao, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese > Student Photo Release Form: English, Vietnamese, Tigrigna, Tagalog, Oromo, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Amharic 3. Mail* your completed Student Health Form and Photo Release by Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 to: Queen Anne Elementary Jump Start 411 Boston St. Seattle, WA 98109 *You can drop off your completed forms in our Main Office on or before Wednesday, June 24th, between 8:00am - 3:00pm. Umpqua Bank, who has generously donated ice cream for our school events for the past 3 years, will be hosting their 4th Annual Young Entrepreneur's Day series of summer events on Saturday, June 27, July 18 and August 15 from 11:00AM-1:00PM. Kids will have an opportunity to sell cookies, old toys or clever crafts in front of the bank and learn how to earn extra money to spend or save!
Stop by or call the store for more information or to reserve a space. Be sure to say thank you for being one of our event sponsors! Queen Anne - Umpqua Bank 1630 Queen Anne Ave N 206-749-7461 June Dates:
Wow, what a group of readers this school has! Even though we lost a day with the unexpected Teacher Walk-Out, you helped make this year's Book Fair even more successful than last year! Again, Wow!
Your incredible support helped provide following:
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Happy Reading ... Ms. Leland, Ms. Francisco, and Ms. Cooper by Meg Ferris, Social Emotional Learning
Last week, I wrote about how counter-intuitive, yet essential Play is to learning. As ethologist Robert Fagen has said, “In a world continuously presenting unique challenges and ambiguity, play prepares [animals] for an evolving planet.” This is as true of humans as it is of other mammals. However, as central as Play is, we cannot loose sight of basic skills. All advanced learning sits on a foundation of basic skills. Algebra, geography, and calculus rely on a student’s number sense and command of number facts. The bedrock of Literacy is connecting a symbol to a sound. For example, the symbol “c” represents two sounds, "s" and “k”. (City & cent are "s"; cat & cow are "k"). In SEL, the three most foundational skills are self-regulation, working memory, and cognitive flexibility (ie, shifting your thoughts from one thing to another, for example getting that sometimes "i" is I and other times is eye). Without mastery of basic skills, kids get bogged down when they are expected to learn more advanced skills, and soon come to distrust or hate school, or themselves. If you think that I’m going to make a case for a return to “Skill and Drill” learning, hold tight. That isn’t where I am going. READ MORE... Only three days left of the school year!
Like to get in the dirt, and keep things nice and tidy? While school will be out shortly, our garden will still need tending. Please consider pitching in this summer to help water and weed the QAE garden.
With a hot, dry summer approaching, ideally the garden should be watered 2 - 3 times a week, with some light weeding. Sign up for week, or just a day or two this summer. Bring the kiddos along! How wonderful it will be to come back to a beautiful garden in September! Sign Up Here or email Christa Brown for more information. Thank you, QAE PTSA Garden Team Thank you to everyone who has participated in the QAE Childcare Needs Survey. As our upper grades grow next year, our childcare provider, Kids Co. will lose ten (10) spaces in 2015-16, but will still offer onsite childcare.
One last reminder to currently enrolled Kids Co. families, please let Patrick know Your 2015-16 Childcare Needs ASAP, if you haven't done so already. Thank you, David Elliott, Principal Amy Janas, PTSA President Patrick Russell, Kids Co. Program Manager JUNE
Summer Camps with Ms. Amsel & Ms. Stone
Seattle Summer Explorers
KidsCo at QAE
Do you have an incoming Kindergartener who would like to meet potential new classmates? Or a seasoned QAE student who misses his/her schoolmates? Attend one, or all, of the QAE Summer Playdates! It's a great time to meet, mingle and have fun! (light snacks will be provided)
Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 2:00-4:00 PM East Queen Anne Playground "Little Howe" 1912 Warren Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109 Bring swimsuits for the wading pool! Thursday, August 6, 2015, 4:30 - 6:30 PM West Queen Anne Playfield "Big Howe" 150 W Blaine St Seattle, WA 98119 Saturday, August 22, 2014, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM David Rodgers Park 2800 1st Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119 Thank you! Lindsey Carrillo QAE PTSA JUMP START Kindergarten Transition Week is August 17-21, 2015 (**Register by June 30th**)
If your child starts Kindergarten in September, please reserve the week of August 17-21, 2015 (9 am - 12 pm) for Jump Start. Jump Start is a half-day Kindergarten "camp" that gives children and their families a chance to learn about their new school. Jump Start is FREE. Register for Jump Start in Three Easy Steps: 1. Complete our ONLINE REGISTRATION form (you can also print and mail us the paper Jump Start Registration form) 2. Print and Complete these two forms: > Student Health Form: English, Chinese, Lao, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese > Student Photo Release Form: English, Vietnamese, Tigrigna, Tagalog, Oromo, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Amharic 3. Mail* your completed Student Health Form and Photo Release by Tuesday, June 30th, 2015 to: Queen Anne Elementary Jump Start 411 Boston St. Seattle, WA 98109 *You can drop off your completed forms in our Main Office on or before Wednesday, June 24th, between 8:00am - 3:00pm. |
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |