Welcome Back Queen Anne Elementary Families, We hope you enjoyed a relaxing and happy Thanksgiving break. As we count down to Winter break, the end of our Fall Fund Drive is also approaching. So far, 16% (or 15) of our 94 families have donated to the Fund Drive for a total of $18,275. In order to stay on course and achieve this year's PTSA fundraising goal of $90,000, we need to raise $63,000 during our Fall Fund Drive. We are 29% of the way there. The sooner we raise the money, the sooner your child will benefit. We are striving for 100% participation from our QAE families. Every donation, small or large, moves us closer to our goal. QAE PTSA is raising funds in order to supplement what little is covered by the Seattle Public School District. All donations made to the QAE PTSA will be used to enrich the Queen Anne Elementary experience and support programs as decided collaboratively by QAE parents and staff. These pledged funds are not used to turn the lights on, paint the halls or purchase copier paper. Your donation is spent to raise QAE’s offering of programs and services well above the District-wide watermark. It is a tragedy that this situation exists, but the QAE community must rally together and help make QAE great. If you have already given to the Fall Fund Drive, we want to THANK YOU! We truly appreciate your support. Your donation makes it possible for your PTSA to support our exceptional staff. If you have not yet given, please consider making a donation today TODAY and being part of making QAE realize its promise of becoming a world class school. If you misplaced your donation form, there are extras (bright orange) located in the office and on the rack just outside the office, or you can print the one below. Please return your donations to QAE PTSA, 4400 Interlake Ave North, Seattle, WA 98103. Thank you! Warmly, Natalie Carlson and Holley Ring QAE PTSA Fundraising Chairs PS-1, As if you needed another reason to give to QAE, the PTSA is 501-3(c) non-profit organization, all funds are tax deductible. We just got our own 501-3© number ! Please write your checks to QAE PTSA. PS-2. Also, don’t forget about employer matching programs when making your contributions ![]() QAE FUND DRIVE DONATION FORM: Gifts to Queen Anne Elementary PTSA are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Please mail or drop into the QAE PTSA box in the school office by December 17, 2010. My/our gift to the Queen Anne Elementary 2010 Fund is: [ ] $5000: Would fund classroom tutor or interactive white boards and software [ ] $2000: Would fund leveled libraries for all readers K-5 [ ] $1000: Would fund one laptop computer for shared laptop cart (10 needed, 30 preferred) [ ] $575: Amount per student needed to reach our goal [ ] $250: Would cover the cost of a bus for a field trip for 2 classrooms [ ] Other amount $________ [ ] Check enclosed payable to SCPTSA with Queen Anne Elementary written on the note line [ ] My/our gift will be matched by ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Namephone # _________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________________________ CityStateZipemail address Comments are closed.
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |