QAE/McD RUNNING CLUB Help our kids get Fit, have Fun and Prepare for the Seattle Kids Marathon! How the program works: Kids have a chance to run laps around the parking lot at AM recess, lunch recess and weekends. Parent volunteers count laps by handing out Popsicle sticks for every lap completed. Then, progress is tracked on a chart in the school. The kids love to find their name on the chart and see how many laps they have run. They can also earn “feet” (little plastic ones with a variety of colors and patterns) for every 5 miles they run. These are coveted items for all grade levels as they show them off on little shoelace necklaces. The Seattle Kids Marathon is every year in November, the day before the adult Seattle Marathon. This year the Kids Marathon is on November 27. Grade 3 through grade 5 students who want to enter the race on November 27th are expected to run the 25 miles between now & the marathon date. We expect kids in grades K through 2 students to make their best effort and show serious commitment to enter. Kids from across Seattle meet at the Seattle Center on November 27 and run the last 1.2 miles together on the adult marathon course and into the stadium finish line. After we get started and kids have a chance to see if this is something they want to do we will send home registration information for the official event. We will set up a team so please wait for more information before registering. Many kids who aren't going to do the marathon still love to run laps and it is a great way to burn off energy before coming back to class and a great way to get kids thinking about running as fun. What we REALLY need volunteers for NOW: 1) Counting laps. Parents can sign up for a specific recess and/or weekends. They need to hand out Popsicle sticks to kids as they pass by. At the end of recess we log how many laps they have completed into a voice recorder. We will do all the training necessary to make you an expert. 2) Marking laps on the big chart in the school. This can be done any time during the week. We need people to take the voice recorders and mark laps that the kids have completed on the chart in the hallway. 3) Helping with weekend running. To make sure kids have enough time to get their miles in we will host running on some weekends, rain or shine. Snacks and hot drinks are provided. Due to our space at Lincoln we may emphasize the weekend running program. Our biggest push is between now & the Kids Marathon in November and we need many volunteers or a few very dedicated ones. After November, we will continue running but how often will depend on the kid’s interest and the number of volunteers who are willing to continue. Please contact Mason Sherry at [email protected] if you are interested in helping with this terrific activity. Comments are closed.
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |