Welcome to another issue of the Rocket Reader! Continuing with the new format, we are very excited to showcase more students. We have wonderful quotes from a few first and second graders along with art from the 5th grade. For more information about Queen Anne Elementary, please check the PTSA website on which we keep an up-to-date calendar and provide more detailed information about many facets of Queen Anne Elementary. We also encourage you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. What are you thankful for? A few QAE 1st and 2nd graders have shared their answer to this big question. I am grateful for my fish, my family and my friends Ruby Greenland, Grade 2 I am grateful for: my mom, my dad, school, soccer, basketball, Seattle and soda. Adam Pelleg, Grade 1 I am grateful for my home because I love my family and friends. Uma Sathe, Grade 1 I am grateful for my friends, the Earth, my family, my food, my home, my health and my education. Clio Knight, Grade 2 I am grateful for my house, my food, my friends and family, for my candy, my water and my activities. Chloe Bennett, Grade 2 5th Grade Fall PBL The 5th grade Fall PBL topic explores the intersections between food, identity, and culture. As part of our work, students read mentor text picture books that reflect the topic and identified an important “food theme” that the story represents. They then created a piece of art that illustrates the main food featured in the story and includes the theme students selected.
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |