The Online Auction is happening now! This week we’ll be featuring student projects to highlight what our kids and parent volunteers have been working hard to present to our school community!
To start this week off right we’re featuring WINE!! In addition to the all-school Rocket bottles available, four classes have created their own custom labels that will be sure to make wonderful gifts for your friends and family! For sale are a selection of 6 high-end wines from Northwest Cellars with labels featuring a hand-designed template designed by a QAE parent and your child's name, her/his custom artwork, class name, and year. Ms Cryan Leary and Palumbo’s Kindergarteners are showing off their art technique with beautiful marbled paper. Ms Meck’s 1st graders created beautiful and, frankly, hilarious self portraits. Drawing from their Spring bird PBL, Ms Teske’s 1st graders created their own whimsical birds. Mr Liner’s 3rd graders took inspiration from their salmon PBL to create gorgeous watercolor illustrations inspired by the fish's life cycle.
Buy in a Baker’s Dozen – buy 12 and get an extra bottle free! Contact Jenny ([email protected]) for details. Comments are closed.
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October 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |