Dear Queen Anne Elementary Families,
Welcome to our wonderful school and community! We are so happy that you have chosen to enroll your child at Queen Anne Elementary. It’s hard to believe that just three years ago we opened our doors with just 112 students; this year we are projected to open our doors with 280 kids! We couldn’t have grown so fast or so successfully without our amazingly dedicated group of teachers, staff, parents and students. We can honestly say that everyone involved with Queen Anne Elementary is 100% committed to providing a positive and enriching experience for your entire family. But there’s still much work to be done, and we’d like you to join in the fun! Please consider becoming a member of our PTSA and volunteering your time. It’s a terrific way to stay connected with the school and your child’s education. Join our PTSA! The Queen Anne Elementary PTSA is part of the larger district and national PTA organization. The primary role of our PTSA is to advocate for all children at Queen Anne Elementary and across our state. A major part of that advocacy includes working hard to support the staff, helping to build a strong school community, and raising funds toward meeting those goals. Your membership will help you stay informed, give you a voice in your child’s education, and connect your family to the QAE community and the larger state and national PTA. Be a Volunteer! There is unlimited opportunity for YOU to participate in the Queen Anne Elementary PTSA to help our school be the best it can be. We are so fortunate to have parents with many backgrounds, talents, and ideas. If you have an idea that could benefit our school, please let us know and if possible, volunteer to bring your idea to life. Volunteer opportunities can be ongoing, monthly, or even one-time events. Offering your support through time, talent, and other means is a great way to help the school and your child - and a chance to meet other parents and QAE community members. There are several Board Positions open – including Co-Treasurer and Legislative/Advocacy Co-chair– and many other opportunities to get involved. How to Join: Annual membership in the Queen Anne Elementary PTSA is $15 for an individual or $25 for a family membership (two adults in the same household). A membership signup form and other information can be found here. You will also receive this letter and the membership signup form in your child's orange folder, which will be sent home with your child on the first day of school. Last year we had about 90% of Queen Anne Elementary families as members of our PTSA. This year our goal is 100% participation (please note, if you were a member last year, you will need to join again). We will be sure to keep you informed of upcoming events and activities as they arise and look forward to meeting and working with each of you and your families in the coming school year. Sincerely, Your Queen Anne Elementary School PTSA Executive Committee John Ruljancich, Co-President Lee Wierdsma, Co- President Brook Wessel, Co-Treasurer Shelly Dillon, Secretary Comments are closed.
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June 2024
SCHEDULE2024-25 On-Site Schedule
7:55am - School Day Begins 2:25pm - Dismissal Wednesday Early Release 1:10pm - Dismissal |